Deploy the application with Helm

With the application Docker image pushed to the IBM Cloud private container registry, you can now proceed to create a Kubernetes deployment pointing to that image.

  1. Helm is a tool to manage Kubernetes applications through Helm Charts, which help define, install, and upgrade even the most complex Kubernetes application. Initialize Helm by running the below command in your cluster

    helm init

    To upgrade helm, run this command helm init --upgrade

  2. Change to the chart directory:

    cd chart\<YOUR APP NAME>
  3. Run the install command:
    helm install . --name %MYPROJECT% --set image.repository=%MYREGISTRY%/%MYNAMESPACE%/%MYPROJECT% --debug
    helm install . --name $MYPROJECT --set image.repository=$MYREGISTRY/$MYNAMESPACE/$MYPROJECT --debug
  4. Run the command below to identity the public port the service is listening on. The port is a 5-digit number (e.g., 31569) under PORT(S).
    kubectl get service %MYPROJECT%-service
    kubectl get service $MYPROJECT-service
  5. Run the below command and pick the public IP of one of the workers. Replace <CLUSTER_NAME> with the cluster assigned to you:
    ibmcloud ks workers <CLUSTER_NAME>
    ibmcloud ks workers <CLUSTER_NAME>
  6. Access the application at http://worker-ip-address:portnumber/.

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