Source code for ibmcloudsql.sql_query_ts

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright IBM Corp. 2020
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# flake8: noqa F522, E203
import re
import threading

from isodate import ISO8601Error

    from SQLQuery import SQLQuery
    from sql_magic import print_sql
except Exception:
    from .SQLQuery import SQLQuery
    from .sql_magic import print_sql

lock = threading.Lock()

[docs]class SQLClientTimeSeries(SQLQuery): """This class augments SQLClient with time-series functionality HISTORY: Aug-10-2021: expand _get_ts_datasource_v3() """ def __init__( self, api_key="", instance_crn="", target_cos_url=None, max_concurrent_jobs=4, max_tries=1, iam_max_tries=1, thread_safe=False, client_info="TimeSeries Cloud SQL Query Python", ): SQLQuery.__init__( self, api_key=api_key, instance_crn=instance_crn, target_cos_url=target_cos_url, max_concurrent_jobs=max_concurrent_jobs, max_tries=max_tries, iam_max_tries=iam_max_tries, thread_safe=thread_safe, client_info=client_info, ) def _get_ts_datasource( self, table_name, key, time_stamp, observation, cos_out, granularity="raw", where_clause="", ops="avg", dry_run=False, keep_col_names: bool = True, cast_observation=None, num_objects=None, num_rows=None, ): """ Prepare the data source for time-series in the next-query It will returns the data source in 3 columns: field_name, time_stamp, observation Parameters -------------- table: str The catalog table name or the view-table that you generate from the WITH clause via :meth:`with_` method key: str The column name being used as the key, and is maped to `field_name` time_stamp: str The column name being used as timetick, and is mapped to `time_stamp` observation: str The column name being used as value, and is maped to `observation` cos_out: str The COS URL where the data is copied to - later as data source granularity: str There are 2 options: * a value in one of ["raw", "per_min", "per_<x>min", "per_sec", "per_<x>sec", "per_hour", "per_<x>hour"] with <x> is a number divided by 60, e.g. 10, 15 * a value of "per_day" * a value that follows ISO 8601 'duration', e.g. PT1M, PT1S, PT2H ops: str The aggregation method: "avg", "sum", "max", "min", "count" dry_run: bool, optional This option, once selected as True, returns the internally generated SQL statement, and no job is queried. num_objects: None or int The number of objects to be created for storing the data. Using `num_objects` and `num_rows` are exclusive. num_rows: None or int The number of rows for each object to be created for storing the data. Using `num_objects` and `num_rows` are exclusive. keep_col_names: bool, optional (False) By default, all 3 original column names are maintained. If you set to false, they are mapped to `field_name` (for key), `time_stamp` and `observation`, respectively. cast_observation: str, optional=None The type to be casted for the `observation` column Returns ---------- str The COS_URL where the data with 3 fields (key, time_stamp, observation) and can be digested into time-series via TIME_SERIES_FORMAT(key, timestick, value) Raises ------ isodate.ISO8601Error: granularity input is not a valid ISO 8601-compliant value """ tmp_cos = self.target_cos_url if num_objects is None and num_rows is None: print("provide at least `num_objects` or `num_rows`") assert 0 if num_objects is not None and num_rows is not None: print("can't use both `num_objects` and `num_rows`") assert 0 if granularity == "raw": pass elif granularity == "per_min": pass if time_stamp in self._unixtime_columns: # -- convert unix-time in ms to sec time_info = "cast({time_stamp}/1000 as timestamp)".format( time_stamp=time_stamp ) else: time_info = "{time_stamp}".format(time_stamp=time_stamp) if keep_col_names is True: key_col = "field_name as {key}".format(key=key) obs_col = "{observation}".format(observation=observation) else: key_col = "field_name, -- as {key}".format(key=key) obs_col = "{observation} as observation".format(observation=observation) if granularity == "raw": tmp_cos = cos_out if len(where_clause) == 0: extra_where = "" else: extra_where = "AND " + where_clause if num_objects: partition_clause = "PARTITIONED INTO {x} OBJECTS".format(x=num_objects) elif num_rows: partition_clause = "PARTITIONED EVERY {x} ROWS".format(x=num_rows) if cast_observation is None: select_stmt = """SELECT {key} as field_name, {time_info} as time_stamp, {observation} as observation FROM {table_name} WHERE isnotnull({key}) AND isnotnull({observation}) {extra_where} INTO {cos_out} STORED AS PARQUET {partition_clause} """.format( table_name=table_name, cos_out=tmp_cos, key=key, observation=observation, time_info=time_info, extra_where=extra_where, partition_clause=partition_clause, ) else: select_stmt = """SELECT {key} as field_name, {time_info} as time_stamp, cast({observation} AS {cast_observation}) as observation FROM {table_name} WHERE isnotnull({key}) AND isnotnull({observation}) {extra_where} INTO {cos_out} STORED AS PARQUET {partition_clause} """.format( table_name=table_name, cos_out=tmp_cos, key=key, observation=observation, time_info=time_info, extra_where=extra_where, cast_observation=cast_observation, partition_clause=partition_clause, ) if self._has_with_clause and not self._has_select_clause: self._sql_stmt = self._sql_stmt + select_stmt else: self._sql_stmt = select_stmt result = None if dry_run: print_sql(self._sql_stmt) select_container_id_full_location = "cos://dry_run/" else: result = self.execute_sql(self._sql_stmt) select_container_id_full_location = self.get_job(result.job_id)[ "resultset_location" ] cos_in = "" if granularity == "raw": return result else: cos_in = select_container_id_full_location def query_day(): """ return: None or 'result' """ nonlocal cos_in p = re.compile(r"per_[0-9]*day") p2 = re.compile(r"per_[0-9]+day") level = "raw" num_day = 1 if p.match(granularity): level = "day" if p2.match(granularity): temp = re.findall(r"\d+", granularity) num_day = list(map(int, temp))[0] assert 1 % num_day == 0 else: if granularity[0:1].upper() == "P" and granularity[-1].upper() == "D": level = "day" try: import isodate x = isodate.parse_duration(granularity.strip()) num_day = int(x.total_seconds() / 60 / 60 / 24) # (day) assert 1 % num_day == 0 except ISO8601Error: print("%s unsupported" % granularity) assert 0 else: return None if level == "day": if num_day == 1: sql_stmt = """ select field_name, to_date(time_stamp) as time_stamp_date, {ops}(observation) as {observation} from {cos_in} stored as parquet group by field_name, time_stamp_date INTO {cos_out} STORED AS PARQUET {partition_clause} """.format( cos_in=cos_in, cos_out=tmp_cos, key=key, observation=observation, time_info=time_info, partition_clause=partition_clause, ops=ops, ) else: # num_hour > 1 msg = "Can't use a day value > 1" raise Exception(msg) assert 0 sql_stmt = """ select field_name, to_date(time_stamp) as time_stamp_date, (floor(hour(time_stamp)/{num_hour})) * {num_hour} as time_stamp_hour, -- within [current, current+{num_hour}) hour time-window {ops}(observation) as {observation} from {cos_in} stored as parquet group by field_name, time_stamp_date, time_stamp_hour INTO {cos_out} STORED AS PARQUET {partition_clause} """.format( cos_in=cos_in, cos_out=tmp_cos, key=key, observation=observation, time_info=time_info, num_hour=num_hour, partition_clause=partition_clause, ops=ops, ) if dry_run: print_sql(sql_stmt) result = None else: result = self.execute_sql(sql_stmt) # Restore timestamp as single column if dry_run: cos_in = "cos://dry_run/" else: cos_in = self.get_job(result.job_id)["resultset_location"] if keep_col_names is True: datetime_col = """to_timestamp(concat(date(time_stamp_date), " ", "00:00"), "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm") as {time_stamp}""".format( time_stamp=time_stamp ) else: datetime_col = """to_timestamp(concat(date(time_stamp_date), " ", "00:00"), "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm") as time_stamp""" sql_stmt = """ select {key_col}, {datetime_col}, {obs_col} from {cos_in} stored as parquet INTO {cos_out} STORED AS PARQUET {partition_clause} """.format( cos_in=cos_in, cos_out=cos_out, key_col=key_col, datetime_col=datetime_col, obs_col=obs_col, time_info=time_info, partition_clause=partition_clause, ) if dry_run: print_sql(sql_stmt) result = None else: result = self.execute_sql(sql_stmt) return result def query_hour(): """ return: None or 'result' """ nonlocal cos_in p = re.compile(r"per_[0-9]*hour") p2 = re.compile(r"per_[0-9]+hour") level = "raw" num_hour = 1 if p.match(granularity): level = "hour" if p2.match(granularity): temp = re.findall(r"\d+", granularity) num_hour = list(map(int, temp))[0] assert 24 % num_hour == 0 else: if granularity[0:2].upper() == "PT" and granularity[-1].upper() == "H": level = "hour" try: import isodate x = isodate.parse_duration(granularity.strip()) num_hour = int(x.total_seconds() / 60 / 60) # (hour) assert 24 % num_hour == 0 except ISO8601Error: print("%s unsupported" % granularity) assert 0 else: return None if level == "hour": if num_hour == 1: sql_stmt = """ select field_name, to_date(time_stamp) as time_stamp_date, hour(time_stamp) as time_stamp_hour, {ops}(observation) as {observation} from {cos_in} stored as parquet group by field_name, time_stamp_date, time_stamp_hour INTO {cos_out} STORED AS PARQUET {partition_clause} """.format( cos_in=cos_in, cos_out=tmp_cos, key=key, observation=observation, time_info=time_info, num_hour=num_hour, partition_clause=partition_clause, ops=ops, ) else: # num_hour > 1 sql_stmt = """ select field_name, to_date(time_stamp) as time_stamp_date, (floor(hour(time_stamp)/{num_hour})) * {num_hour} as time_stamp_hour, -- within [current, current+{num_hour}) hour time-window {ops}(observation) as {observation} from {cos_in} stored as parquet group by field_name, time_stamp_date, time_stamp_hour INTO {cos_out} STORED AS PARQUET {partition_clause} """.format( cos_in=cos_in, cos_out=tmp_cos, key=key, observation=observation, time_info=time_info, num_hour=num_hour, partition_clause=partition_clause, ops=ops, ) if dry_run: print_sql(sql_stmt) result = None else: result = self.execute_sql(sql_stmt) # Restore timestamp as single column if dry_run: cos_in = "cos://dry_run/" else: cos_in = self.get_job(result.job_id)["resultset_location"] if keep_col_names is True: datetime_col = """to_timestamp(concat(date(time_stamp_date), " ", time_stamp_hour, ":00"), "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm") as {time_stamp}""".format( time_stamp=time_stamp ) else: datetime_col = """to_timestamp(concat(date(time_stamp_date), " ", time_stamp_hour, ":00"), "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm") as time_stamp""" sql_stmt = """ select {key_col}, {datetime_col}, {obs_col} from {cos_in} stored as parquet INTO {cos_out} STORED AS PARQUET {partition_clause} """.format( cos_in=cos_in, cos_out=cos_out, key_col=key_col, obs_col=obs_col, datetime_col=datetime_col, time_info=time_info, partition_clause=partition_clause, ) if dry_run: print_sql(sql_stmt) result = None else: result = self.execute_sql(sql_stmt) return result def query_min(): """ return: None or 'result' """ nonlocal cos_in p = re.compile(r"per_[0-9]*min") p2 = re.compile(r"per_[0-9]+min") level = "raw" num_min = 1 if p.match(granularity): level = "minute" if p2.match(granularity): temp = re.findall(r"\d+", granularity) num_min = list(map(int, temp))[0] assert 60 % num_min == 0 else: if granularity[0:2].upper() == "PT" and granularity[-1].upper() == "M": level = "minute" try: import isodate x = isodate.parse_duration(granularity.strip()) num_min = int(x.total_seconds() / 60) # (minute) assert 60 % num_min == 0 except ISO8601Error: print("%s unsupported" % granularity) assert 0 else: return None if level == "minute": sql_stmt = """ select field_name, to_date(time_stamp) as time_stamp_date, hour(time_stamp) as time_stamp_hour, (floor(minute(time_stamp)/{num_min})) * {num_min} as time_stamp_minute, -- within [current, current+{num_min}) minute time-window {ops}(observation) as {observation} from {cos_in} stored as parquet group by field_name, to_date(time_stamp), hour(time_stamp), (floor(minute(time_stamp)/{num_min})) * {num_min} INTO {cos_out} STORED AS PARQUET {partition_clause} """.format( cos_in=cos_in, cos_out=tmp_cos, key=key, observation=observation, time_info=time_info, num_min=num_min, partition_clause=partition_clause, ops=ops, ) if dry_run: print_sql(sql_stmt) result = None else: result = self.execute_sql(sql_stmt) # Restore timestamp as single column if dry_run: cos_in = "cos://dry_run/" else: cos_in = self.get_job(result.job_id)["resultset_location"] if keep_col_names is True: datetime_col = """to_timestamp(concat(date(time_stamp_date), " ", time_stamp_hour, ":", time_stamp_minute), "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm") as {time_stamp}""".format( time_stamp=time_stamp ) else: datetime_col = """to_timestamp(concat(date(time_stamp_date), " ", time_stamp_hour, ":", time_stamp_minute), "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm") as time_stamp""" sql_stmt = """ select {key_col}, {datetime_col}, {obs_col} from {cos_in} stored as parquet INTO {cos_out} STORED AS PARQUET {partition_clause} """.format( cos_in=cos_in, cos_out=cos_out, key_col=key_col, obs_col=obs_col, datetime_col=datetime_col, time_info=time_info, partition_clause=partition_clause, ) if dry_run: print_sql(sql_stmt) result = None else: result = self.execute_sql(sql_stmt) return result def query_sec(): """ return: None or 'result' """ p = re.compile(r"per_[0-9]*sec") p2 = re.compile(r"per_[0-9]+sec") level = "raw" num_sec = 1 if p.match(granularity): level = "sec" if p2.match(granularity): temp = re.findall(r"\d+", granularity) num_sec = list(map(int, temp))[0] assert 60 % num_sec == 0 else: if granularity[0:2].upper() == "PT" and granularity[-1].upper() == "S": level = "sec" try: import isodate x = isodate.parse_duration(granularity.strip()) num_sec = int(x.total_seconds()) assert 60 % num_sec == 0 except ISO8601Error: print("%s unsupported" % granularity) assert 0 else: return None if level == "sec": sql_stmt = """ select field_name, to_date(time_stamp) as time_stamp_date, hour(time_stamp) as time_stamp_hour, minute(time_stamp) as time_stamp_minute, (floor(second(time_stamp)/{num_sec})) * {num_sec} as time_stamp_second, -- within [current, current+{num_sec}) second time-window {ops}(observation) as {observation} from {cos_in} stored as parquet group by field_name, to_date(time_stamp), hour(time_stamp), minute(time_stamp), (floor(second(time_stamp)/{num_sec})) * {num_sec} INTO {cos_out} STORED AS PARQUET {partition_clause} """.format( cos_in=cos_in, cos_out=tmp_cos, key=key, observation=observation, time_info=time_info, num_sec=num_sec, partition_clause=partition_clause, ops=ops, ) if dry_run: print_sql(sql_stmt) result = None else: result = self.execute_sql(sql_stmt) # Restore timestamp as single column if dry_run: init_cos = "cos://dry_run/" else: init_cos = self.get_job(result.job_id)["resultset_location"] if keep_col_names is True: datetime_col = """to_timestamp(concat(date(time_stamp_date), " ", ":".join([time_stamp_hour, time_stamp_minute, time_stamp_second]), "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") as {time_stamp}""".format( time_stamp=time_stamp ) else: datetime_col = """to_timestamp(concat(date(time_stamp_date), " ", ":".join([time_stamp_hour, time_stamp_minute, time_stamp_second]), "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") as time_stamp""" sql_stmt = """ select {key_col}, {datetime_col}, {obs_col} from {cos_in} stored as parquet INTO {cos_out} STORED AS PARQUET {partition_clause} """.format( cos_in=cos_in, cos_out=cos_out, key_col=key_col, obs_col=obs_col, datetime_col=datetime_col, time_info=time_info, partition_clause=partition_clause, ) if dry_run: print_sql(sql_stmt) result = None else: result = self.execute_sql(sql_stmt) return result result = query_min() if result is None: result = query_sec() if result is None: result = query_hour() if result is None: result = query_day() return result
[docs] def get_ts_datasource( self, cos_in, key, time_stamp, observation, cos_out, granularity="raw", where_clause="", ops="avg", dry_run=False, keep_col_names: bool = True, cast_observation=None, num_objects=20, print_warning=True, ): """ Prepare the data source for time-series in the next-query, in that the result is broken down into multiple objects using `num_objects` as the criteria It will returns the data source in 3 columns: * keep_col_names <- False: use exact values below field_name, time_stamp, observation * keep_col_names <- True: use the values passed via arguments <key>, <time_stamp>, <observation> Parameters -------------- cos_in: str The data source in "COS_URL stored as <format>" key: str The column name being used as the key time_stamp: str The column name being used as timestick observation: str The column name being used as value cast_observation: str, optional=None The type to be casted for the `observation` column cos_out: str The COS URL where the data is copied to - later as data source granularity: str a value in one of ["raw", "per_min", "per_<x>min", "per_sec", "per_<x>sec"] with <x> is a number divided by 60, e.g. 10, 15 dry_run: bool, optional This option, once selected as True, returns the internally generated SQL statement, and no job is queried. num_objects: int, optional The number of objects to be created for storing the data print_warning: bool, default=True print a warning or not keep_col_names: bool, optional (False) By default, all 3 original column names are maintained. If you set to false, they are mapped to `field_name` (for key), `time_stamp` and `observation`, respectively. Returns ---------- str The COS_URL where the data with 3 fields (key, time_stamp, observation) and can be digested into time-series via TIME_SERIES_FORMAT(key, timestick, value) """ if len(self._unixtime_columns) == 0 and print_warning is True: msg = ( "WARNING: You may want to assign the list of columns to`.columns_in_unixtime`", " to let the SQL client know what columns are timestamp and in UNIX time format", ) print(msg) return self._get_ts_datasource_v3( None, cos_in, key, time_stamp, observation, cos_out, granularity, where_clause, ops, dry_run, num_objects=num_objects, cast_observation=cast_observation, keep_col_names=keep_col_names, )
[docs] def get_ts_datasource_from_table( self, table_name, key, time_stamp, observation, cos_out, granularity="raw", where_clause="", ops="avg", dry_run=False, keep_col_names: bool = True, cast_observation=None, num_objects=20, print_warning=True, ): """ Prepare the data source for time-series in the next-query, in that the result is broken down into multiple objects using `num_objects` as the criteria It will returns the data source in 3 columns: * keep_col_names <- False: use exact values below field_name, time_stamp, observation * keep_col_names <- True: use the values passed via arguments <key>, <time_stamp>, <observation> Parameters -------------- table: str The catalog table name NOTE: Use either `cos_in` or `table`, but not both key: str The column name being used as the key time_stamp: str The column name being used as timestick observation: str The column name being used as value cast_observation: str, optional=None The type to be casted for the `observation` column cos_out: str The COS URL where the data is copied to - later as data source granularity: str a value in one of ["raw", "per_min", "per_<x>min", "per_sec", "per_<x>sec"] with <x> is a number divided by 60, e.g. 10, 15 dry_run: bool, optional This option, once selected as True, returns the internally generated SQL statement, and no job is queried. num_objects: int, optional The number of objects to be created for storing the data print_warning: bool, default=True print a warning or not keep_col_names: bool, optional (False) By default, all 3 original column names are maintained. If you set to false, they are mapped to `field_name` (for key), `time_stamp` and `observation`, respectively. Returns ---------- str The COS_URL where the data with 3 fields (key, time_stamp, observation) and can be digested into time-series via TIME_SERIES_FORMAT(key, timestick, value) """ if len(self._unixtime_columns) == 0 and print_warning is True: msg = ( "WARNING: You may want to assign the list of columns to`.columns_in_unixtime`", " to let the SQL client know what columns are timestamp and in UNIX time format", ) print(msg) return self._get_ts_datasource_v3( table_name, None, key, time_stamp, observation, cos_out, granularity, where_clause, ops, dry_run, num_objects=num_objects, cast_observation=cast_observation, keep_col_names=keep_col_names, )
def _get_ts_datasource_v2( self, table_name, key, time_stamp, observation, cos_out, granularity="raw", where_clause="", ops="avg", dry_run=False, keep_col_names: bool = True, cast_observation=None, num_objects=None, num_rows=None, ): """ Prepare the data source for time-series in the next-query It will returns the data source in 3 columns: field_name, time_stamp, observation Parameters -------------- table: str The catalog table name or the view-table that you generate from the WITH clause via :meth:`with_` method key: str The column name being used as the key, and is maped to `field_name` time_stamp: str The column name being used as timetick, and is mapped to `time_stamp` observation: str The column name being used as value, and is maped to `observation` cos_out: str The COS URL where the data is copied to - later as data source granularity: str There are 2 options: * a value in one of ["raw", "per_min", "per_<x>min", "per_sec", "per_<x>sec", "per_hour", "per_<x>hour"] with <x> is a number divided by 60, e.g. 10, 15 * a value of "per_day" * a value that follows ISO 8601 'duration', e.g. PT1M, PT1S, PT2H ops: str The aggregation method: "avg", "sum", "max", "min", "count" dry_run: bool, optional This option, once selected as True, returns the internally generated SQL statement, and no job is queried. num_objects: None or int The number of objects to be created for storing the data. Using `num_objects` and `num_rows` are exclusive. num_rows: None or int The number of rows for each object to be created for storing the data. Using `num_objects` and `num_rows` are exclusive. keep_col_names: bool, optional (False) By default, all 3 original column names are maintained. If you set to false, they are mapped to `field_name` (for key), `time_stamp` and `observation`, respectively. cast_observation: str, optional=None The type to be casted for the `observation` column Returns ---------- str The COS_URL where the data with 3 fields (key, time_stamp, observation) and can be digested into time-series via TIME_SERIES_FORMAT(key, timestick, value) Raises ------ ISO8601Error granularity input is not a valid ISO 8601-compliant value """ """ WITH tmp_A AS (SELECT storage_account_id as field_name, cast(timestamp_finish/1000 as timestamp) as time_stamp, request_latency as observation FROM cos_cx_exp WHERE isnotnull(storage_account_id) AND isnotnull(request_latency) AND Year=2020 and Month=09) Select field_name, to_date(time_stamp) as time_stamp_date, max(observation) as request_latency from tmp_A group by field_name, time_stamp_date INTO cos://us-south/customer-exp STORED AS PARQUET PARTITIONED INTO 20 OBJECTS """ """ WITH table_A AS (SELECT storage_account_id AS field_name, cast(timestamp_finish/1000 AS TIMESTAMP) AS time_stamp, request_latency AS observation FROM cos_cx_exp WHERE isnotnull(storage_account_id) AND isnotnull(request_latency) AND YEAR=2020 AND MONTH=09 AND DAY<5 INTO cos://us-south/customer-exp STORED AS PARQUET PARTITIONED INTO 20 OBJECTS) SELECT field_name, to_date(time_stamp) AS time_stamp_date, hour(time_stamp) AS time_stamp_hour, minute(time_stamp) AS time_stamp_minute, (floor(second(time_stamp)/1)) * 1 AS time_stamp_second, max(observation) AS request_latency FROM table_A stored AS parquet GROUP BY field_name, to_date(time_stamp), hour(time_stamp), minute(time_stamp), (floor(second(time_stamp)/1)) * 1 INTO cos://us-south/customer-exp STORED AS PARQUET PARTITIONED INTO 20 OBJECTS SELECT field_name, to_timestamp(concat(date(time_stamp_date), " ", ":".join([time_stamp_hour, time_stamp_minute, time_stamp_second]), "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") AS time_stamp, request_latency AS observation FROM table_A stored AS parquet INTO cos://us-south/customer-exp STORED AS PARQUET PARTITIONED INTO 20 OBJECTS """ tmp_cos = self.target_cos_url if num_objects is None and num_rows is None: print("provide at least `num_objects` or `num_rows`") assert 0 if num_objects is not None and num_rows is not None: print("can't use both `num_objects` and `num_rows`") assert 0 if granularity == "raw": pass elif granularity == "per_min": pass if time_stamp in self._unixtime_columns: # -- convert unix-time in ms to sec time_info = "cast({time_stamp}/1000 as timestamp)".format( time_stamp=time_stamp ) else: time_info = "{time_stamp}".format(time_stamp=time_stamp) if keep_col_names is True: key_col = "field_name as {key}".format(key=key) obs_col = "{observation}".format(observation=observation) else: key_col = "field_name, -- as {key}".format(key=key) obs_col = "{observation} as observation".format(observation=observation) if granularity == "raw": tmp_cos = cos_out if len(where_clause) == 0: extra_where = "" else: extra_where = "AND " + where_clause if num_objects: partition_clause = "PARTITIONED INTO {x} OBJECTS".format(x=num_objects) elif num_rows: partition_clause = "PARTITIONED EVERY {x} ROWS".format(x=num_rows) if cast_observation is None: select_stmt = """SELECT {key} as field_name, {time_info} as time_stamp, {observation} as observation FROM {table_name} WHERE isnotnull({key}) AND isnotnull({observation}) {extra_where} """ else: select_stmt = """SELECT {key} as field_name, {time_info} as time_stamp, cast({observation} as {cast_observation}) as observation FROM {table_name} WHERE isnotnull({key}) AND isnotnull({observation}) {extra_where} """ view_stmt = "" if self._has_with_clause and not self._has_select_clause: # don't support this path assert 0 # self._sql_stmt = self._sql_stmt + select_stmt else: # self._sql_stmt = select_stmt view_stmt = select_stmt result = None # if dry_run: # print_sql(self._sql_stmt) # select_container_id_full_location = "cos://dry_run/" # else: # result = self.execute_sql(self._sql_stmt) # select_container_id_full_location = self.get_job(result.job_id)['resultset_location'] # cos_in = "" if granularity == "raw": select_stmt += """ INTO {cos_out} STORED AS PARQUET {partition_clause} """ select_stmt = select_stmt.format( table_name=table_name, cos_out=tmp_cos, key=key, observation=observation, time_info=time_info, extra_where=extra_where, cast_observation=cast_observation, partition_clause=partition_clause, ) if dry_run: # print_sql(self._sql_stmt) print_sql(select_stmt) else: # result = self.execute_sql(self._sql_stmt) result = self.execute_sql(select_stmt) return result else: select_stmt = select_stmt.format( table_name=table_name, cos_out=tmp_cos, key=key, observation=observation, time_info=time_info, extra_where=extra_where, cast_observation=cast_observation, partition_clause=partition_clause, ) # cos_in = select_container_id_full_location # self._sql_stmt = "WITH table_A AS (" + select_stmt + ")" view_stmt = "WITH table_A AS (" + select_stmt + ")" cos_in = "table_A" def query_day(): """ return: None or 'result' """ nonlocal cos_in p = re.compile(r"per_[0-9]*day") p2 = re.compile(r"per_[0-9]+day") level = "raw" num_day = 1 if p.match(granularity): level = "day" if p2.match(granularity): temp = re.findall(r"\d+", granularity) num_day = list(map(int, temp))[0] assert 1 % num_day == 0 else: if granularity[0:1].upper() == "P" and granularity[-1].upper() == "D": level = "day" try: import isodate x = isodate.parse_duration(granularity.strip()) num_day = int(x.total_seconds() / 60 / 60 / 24) # (day) assert 1 % num_day == 0 except ISO8601Error: print("%s unsupported" % granularity) assert 0 else: return None if level == "day": if num_day == 1: sql_stmt = """ select field_name, to_date(time_stamp) as time_stamp_date, {ops}(observation) as {observation} from {cos_in} stored as parquet group by field_name, time_stamp_date INTO {cos_out} STORED AS PARQUET {partition_clause} """.format( cos_in=cos_in, cos_out=tmp_cos, key=key, observation=observation, time_info=time_info, partition_clause=partition_clause, ops=ops, ) else: # num_hour > 1 msg = "Can't use a day value > 1" raise Exception(msg) assert 0 sql_stmt = """ select field_name, to_date(time_stamp) as time_stamp_date, (floor(hour(time_stamp)/{num_hour})) * {num_hour} as time_stamp_hour, -- within [current, current+{num_hour}) hour time-window {ops}(observation) as {observation} from {cos_in} stored as parquet group by field_name, time_stamp_date, time_stamp_hour INTO {cos_out} STORED AS PARQUET {partition_clause} """.format( cos_in=cos_in, cos_out=tmp_cos, key=key, observation=observation, time_info=time_info, num_hour=num_hour, partition_clause=partition_clause, ops=ops, ) sql_stmt = view_stmt + "\n" + sql_stmt if dry_run: print_sql(sql_stmt) result = None else: result = self.execute_sql(sql_stmt) # Restore timestamp as single column if dry_run: cos_in = "cos://dry_run/" else: cos_in = self.get_job(result.job_id)["resultset_location"] if keep_col_names is True: datetime_col = """to_timestamp(concat(date(time_stamp_date), " ", "00:00"), "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm") as {time_stamp}""".format( time_stamp=time_stamp ) else: datetime_col = """to_timestamp(concat(date(time_stamp_date), " ", "00:00"), "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm") as time_stamp""" sql_stmt = """ select {key_col}, {datetime_col}, {obs_col} from {cos_in} stored as parquet INTO {cos_out} STORED AS PARQUET {partition_clause} """.format( cos_in=cos_in, cos_out=cos_out, key_col=key_col, datetime_col=datetime_col, obs_col=obs_col, time_info=time_info, partition_clause=partition_clause, ) if dry_run: print_sql(sql_stmt) result = None else: result = self.execute_sql(sql_stmt) return result def query_hour(): """ return: None or 'result' """ nonlocal cos_in p = re.compile(r"per_[0-9]*hour") p2 = re.compile(r"per_[0-9]+hour") level = "raw" num_hour = 1 if p.match(granularity): level = "hour" if p2.match(granularity): temp = re.findall(r"\d+", granularity) num_hour = list(map(int, temp))[0] assert 24 % num_hour == 0 else: if granularity[0:2].upper() == "PT" and granularity[-1].upper() == "H": level = "hour" try: import isodate x = isodate.parse_duration(granularity.strip()) num_hour = int(x.total_seconds() / 60 / 60) # (hour) assert 24 % num_hour == 0 except ISO8601Error: print("%s unsupported" % granularity) assert 0 else: return None if level == "hour": if num_hour == 1: sql_stmt = """ select field_name, to_date(time_stamp) as time_stamp_date, hour(time_stamp) as time_stamp_hour, {ops}(observation) as {observation} from {cos_in} stored as parquet group by field_name, time_stamp_date, time_stamp_hour INTO {cos_out} STORED AS PARQUET {partition_clause} """.format( cos_in=cos_in, cos_out=tmp_cos, key=key, observation=observation, time_info=time_info, num_hour=num_hour, partition_clause=partition_clause, ops=ops, ) else: # num_hour > 1 sql_stmt = """ select field_name, to_date(time_stamp) as time_stamp_date, (floor(hour(time_stamp)/{num_hour})) * {num_hour} as time_stamp_hour, -- within [current, current+{num_hour}) hour time-window {ops}(observation) as {observation} from {cos_in} stored as parquet group by field_name, time_stamp_date, time_stamp_hour INTO {cos_out} STORED AS PARQUET {partition_clause} """.format( cos_in=cos_in, cos_out=tmp_cos, key=key, observation=observation, time_info=time_info, num_hour=num_hour, partition_clause=partition_clause, ops=ops, ) sql_stmt = view_stmt + "\n" + sql_stmt if dry_run: print_sql(sql_stmt) result = None else: result = self.execute_sql(sql_stmt) # Restore timestamp as single column if dry_run: cos_in = "cos://dry_run/" else: cos_in = self.get_job(result.job_id)["resultset_location"] if keep_col_names is True: datetime_col = """to_timestamp(concat(date(time_stamp_date), " ", time_stamp_hour, ":00"), "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm") as {time_stamp}""".format( time_stamp=time_stamp ) else: datetime_col = """to_timestamp(concat(date(time_stamp_date), " ", time_stamp_hour, ":00"), "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm") as time_stamp""" sql_stmt = """ select {key_col}, {datetime_col}, {obs_col} from {cos_in} stored as parquet INTO {cos_out} STORED AS PARQUET {partition_clause} """.format( cos_in=cos_in, cos_out=cos_out, key_col=key_col, obs_col=obs_col, datetime_col=datetime_col, time_info=time_info, partition_clause=partition_clause, ) if dry_run: print_sql(sql_stmt) result = None else: result = self.execute_sql(sql_stmt) return result def query_min(): """ return: None or 'result' """ nonlocal cos_in p = re.compile(r"per_[0-9]*min") p2 = re.compile(r"per_[0-9]+min") level = "raw" num_min = 1 if p.match(granularity): level = "minute" if p2.match(granularity): temp = re.findall(r"\d+", granularity) num_min = list(map(int, temp))[0] assert 60 % num_min == 0 else: if granularity[0:2].upper() == "PT" and granularity[-1].upper() == "M": level = "minute" try: import isodate x = isodate.parse_duration(granularity.strip()) num_min = int(x.total_seconds() / 60) # (minute) assert 60 % num_min == 0 except ISO8601Error: print("%s unsupported" % granularity) assert 0 else: return None if level == "minute": sql_stmt = """ select field_name, to_date(time_stamp) as time_stamp_date, hour(time_stamp) as time_stamp_hour, (floor(minute(time_stamp)/{num_min})) * {num_min} as time_stamp_minute, -- within [current, current+{num_min}) minute time-window {ops}(observation) as {observation} from {cos_in} stored as parquet group by field_name, to_date(time_stamp), hour(time_stamp), (floor(minute(time_stamp)/{num_min})) * {num_min} INTO {cos_out} STORED AS PARQUET {partition_clause} """.format( cos_in=cos_in, cos_out=tmp_cos, key=key, observation=observation, time_info=time_info, num_min=num_min, partition_clause=partition_clause, ops=ops, ) sql_stmt = view_stmt + "\n" + sql_stmt if dry_run: print_sql(sql_stmt) result = None else: result = self.execute_sql(sql_stmt) # Restore timestamp as single column if dry_run: cos_in = "cos://dry_run/" else: cos_in = self.get_job(result.job_id)["resultset_location"] if keep_col_names is True: datetime_col = """to_timestamp(concat(date(time_stamp_date), " ", time_stamp_hour, ":", time_stamp_minute), "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm") as {time_stamp}""".format( time_stamp=time_stamp ) else: datetime_col = """to_timestamp(concat(date(time_stamp_date), " ", time_stamp_hour, ":", time_stamp_minute), "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm") as time_stamp""" sql_stmt = """ select {key_col}, {datetime_col}, {obs_col} from {cos_in} stored as parquet INTO {cos_out} STORED AS PARQUET {partition_clause} """.format( cos_in=cos_in, cos_out=cos_out, key_col=key_col, obs_col=obs_col, datetime_col=datetime_col, time_info=time_info, partition_clause=partition_clause, ) if dry_run: print_sql(sql_stmt) result = None else: result = self.execute_sql(sql_stmt) return result def query_sec(): """ return: None or 'result' """ p = re.compile(r"per_[0-9]*sec") p2 = re.compile(r"per_[0-9]+sec") level = "raw" num_sec = 1 if p.match(granularity): level = "sec" if p2.match(granularity): temp = re.findall(r"\d+", granularity) num_sec = list(map(int, temp))[0] assert 60 % num_sec == 0 else: if granularity[0:2].upper() == "PT" and granularity[-1].upper() == "S": level = "sec" try: import isodate x = isodate.parse_duration(granularity.strip()) num_sec = int(x.total_seconds()) assert 60 % num_sec == 0 except ISO8601Error: print("%s unsupported" % granularity) assert 0 else: return None if level == "sec": sql_stmt = """ select field_name, to_date(time_stamp) as time_stamp_date, hour(time_stamp) as time_stamp_hour, minute(time_stamp) as time_stamp_minute, (floor(second(time_stamp)/{num_sec})) * {num_sec} as time_stamp_second, -- within [current, current+{num_sec}) second time-window {ops}(observation) as {observation} from {cos_in} stored as parquet group by field_name, to_date(time_stamp), hour(time_stamp), minute(time_stamp), (floor(second(time_stamp)/{num_sec})) * {num_sec} INTO {cos_out} STORED AS PARQUET {partition_clause} """.format( cos_in=cos_in, cos_out=tmp_cos, key=key, observation=observation, time_info=time_info, num_sec=num_sec, partition_clause=partition_clause, ops=ops, ) sql_stmt = view_stmt + "\n" + sql_stmt if dry_run: print_sql(sql_stmt) result = None else: result = self.execute_sql(sql_stmt) # Restore timestamp as single column if dry_run: init_cos = "cos://dry_run/" else: init_cos = self.get_job(result.job_id)["resultset_location"] if keep_col_names is True: datetime_col = """to_timestamp(concat(date(time_stamp_date), " ", ":".join([time_stamp_hour, time_stamp_minute, time_stamp_second]), "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") as {time_stamp}""".format( time_stamp=time_stamp ) else: datetime_col = """to_timestamp(concat(date(time_stamp_date), " ", ":".join([time_stamp_hour, time_stamp_minute, time_stamp_second]), "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") as time_stamp""" sql_stmt = """ select {key_col}, {datetime_col}, {obs_col} from {cos_in} stored as parquet INTO {cos_out} STORED AS PARQUET {partition_clause} """.format( cos_in=cos_in, cos_out=cos_out, key_col=key_col, obs_col=obs_col, datetime_col=datetime_col, time_info=time_info, partition_clause=partition_clause, ) if dry_run: print_sql(sql_stmt) result = None else: result = self.execute_sql(sql_stmt) return result result = query_min() if result is None: result = query_sec() if result is None: result = query_hour() if result is None: result = query_day() return result def _get_ts_datasource_v3( self, table_name, cos_in, key, time_stamp, observation, cos_out, granularity="raw", where_clause="", ops="avg", dry_run=False, keep_col_names: bool = True, cast_observation=None, num_objects=None, num_rows=None, ): """ Prepare the data source for time-series in the next-query It will returns the data source in 3 columns: field_name, time_stamp, observation Parameters -------------- table_name: str The catalog table name or the view-table that you generate from the WITH clause via :meth:`with_` method cos_in: str The COS URL and format of datasource, in case you don't use `table_name` key: str The column name being used as the key, and is maped to `field_name` time_stamp: str The column name being used as timetick, and is mapped to `time_stamp` observation: str The column name being used as value, and is maped to `observation` cast_observation: str, optional=None The type to be casted for the `observation` column cos_out: str The COS URL where the data is copied to - later as data source granularity: str There are 2 options: * a value in one of ["raw", "per_min", "per_<x>min", "per_sec", "per_<x>sec", "per_hour", "per_<x>hour"] with <x> is a number divided by 60, e.g. 10, 15 * a value of "per_day" * a value that follows ISO 8601 'duration', e.g. PT1M, PT1S, PT2H ops: str The aggregation method: "avg", "sum", "max", "min", "count" dry_run: bool, optional This option, once selected as True, returns the internally generated SQL statement, and no job is queried. num_objects: None or int The number of objects to be created for storing the data. Using `num_objects` and `num_rows` are exclusive. num_rows: None or int The number of rows for each object to be created for storing the data. Using `num_objects` and `num_rows` are exclusive. keep_col_names: bool, optional (False) By default, all 3 original column names are maintained. If you set to false, they are mapped to `field_name` (for key), `time_stamp` and `observation`, respectively. Returns ---------- str The COS_URL where the data with 3 fields (key, time_stamp, observation) and can be digested into time-series via TIME_SERIES_FORMAT(key, timestick, value) Raises ------ ISO8601Error granularity input is not a valid ISO 8601-compliant value """ """ WITH table_A AS (SELECT storage_account_id AS field_name, cast(timestamp_finish/1000 AS TIMESTAMP) AS time_stamp, request_latency AS observation FROM cos_cx_exp WHERE isnotnull(storage_account_id) AND isnotnull(request_latency) AND YEAR=2020 AND MONTH=09 AND DAY<5 INTO cos://us-south/customer-exp STORED AS PARQUET PARTITIONED INTO 20 OBJECTS) SELECT field_name, to_date(time_stamp) AS time_stamp_date, hour(time_stamp) AS time_stamp_hour, minute(time_stamp) AS time_stamp_minute, (floor(second(time_stamp)/1)) * 1 AS time_stamp_second, max(observation) AS request_latency to_timestamp(concat(date(time_stamp_date), " ", ":".join([time_stamp_hour, time_stamp_minute, time_stamp_second]), "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") AS time_stamp, FROM table_A stored AS parquet GROUP BY field_name, to_date(time_stamp), hour(time_stamp), minute(time_stamp), (floor(second(time_stamp)/1)) * 1 INTO cos://us-south/customer-exp STORED AS PARQUET PARTITIONED INTO 20 OBJECTS HISTORY: Aug-05-2021: expand to add `cos_in` argument """ assert not (table_name is None and cos_in is None) assert not (table_name is not None and cos_in is not None) if cos_in and len(cos_in) > 0: table_name = cos_in tmp_cos = self.target_cos_url if num_objects is None and num_rows is None: print("provide at least `num_objects` or `num_rows`") assert 0 if num_objects is not None and num_rows is not None: print("can't use both `num_objects` and `num_rows`") assert 0 if granularity == "raw": pass elif granularity == "per_min": pass if time_stamp in self._unixtime_columns: # -- convert unix-time in ms to sec time_info = "cast({time_stamp}/1000 as timestamp)".format( time_stamp=time_stamp ) else: time_info = "{time_stamp}".format(time_stamp=time_stamp) if keep_col_names is True: key_col = "field_name as {key}".format(key=key) obs_col = "{ops}(observation) as {observation}".format( observation=observation, ops=ops ) else: key_col = "field_name, -- as {key}".format(key=key) obs_col = "{ops}(observation) as observation".format( observation=observation, ops=ops ) if granularity == "raw": tmp_cos = cos_out if len(where_clause) == 0: extra_where = "" else: extra_where = "AND " + where_clause if num_objects: partition_clause = "PARTITIONED INTO {x} OBJECTS".format(x=num_objects) elif num_rows: partition_clause = "PARTITIONED EVERY {x} ROWS".format(x=num_rows) if cast_observation is None: select_stmt = """SELECT {key} as field_name, {time_info} as time_stamp, {observation} as observation FROM {table_name} WHERE isnotnull({key}) AND isnotnull({observation}) {extra_where} """ else: select_stmt = """SELECT {key} as field_name, {time_info} as time_stamp, cast({observation} as {cast_observation}) as observation FROM {table_name} WHERE isnotnull({key}) AND isnotnull({observation}) {extra_where} """ view_stmt = "" if self._has_with_clause and self._has_select_clause: # don't support this path logger.error("Please reset with `.reset_()`") assert 0 # self._sql_stmt = self._sql_stmt + select_stmt elif self._has_with_clause: # self._sql_stmt = select_stmt # view_stmt = select_stmt view_stmt = self._sql_stmt result = None # if dry_run: # print_sql(self._sql_stmt) # select_container_id_full_location = "cos://dry_run/" # else: # result = self.execute_sql(self._sql_stmt) # select_container_id_full_location = self.get_job(result.job_id)['resultset_location'] # cos_in = "" if granularity == "raw": select_stmt += """ INTO {cos_out} STORED AS PARQUET {partition_clause} """ select_stmt = view_stmt + select_stmt select_stmt = select_stmt.format( table_name=table_name, cos_out=tmp_cos, key=key, observation=observation, time_info=time_info, extra_where=extra_where, cast_observation=cast_observation, partition_clause=partition_clause, ) if dry_run: # print_sql(self._sql_stmt) print_sql(select_stmt) else: # result = self.execute_sql(self._sql_stmt) result = self.execute_sql(select_stmt) return result else: select_stmt = select_stmt.format( table_name=table_name, cos_out=tmp_cos, key=key, observation=observation, time_info=time_info, extra_where=extra_where, cast_observation=cast_observation, partition_clause=partition_clause, ) # cos_in = select_container_id_full_location # self._sql_stmt = "WITH table_A AS (" + select_stmt + ")" if len(view_stmt) > 0: view_stmt = view_stmt + ", {tmp_table} AS ({sql})".format( tmp_table="table_A", sql=select_stmt ) # cos_in = self._current_vtable_name cos_in = "table_A" # view_stmt = "WITH table_A AS (" + select_stmt + ")" else: view_stmt = "WITH table_A AS (" + select_stmt + ")" cos_in = "table_A" def query_day(): """ return: None or 'result' """ nonlocal cos_in p = re.compile(r"per_[0-9]*day") p2 = re.compile(r"per_[0-9]+day") level = "raw" num_day = 1 if p.match(granularity): level = "day" if p2.match(granularity): temp = re.findall(r"\d+", granularity) num_day = list(map(int, temp))[0] assert 1 % num_day == 0 else: if granularity[0:1].upper() == "P" and granularity[-1].upper() == "D": level = "day" try: import isodate x = isodate.parse_duration(granularity.strip()) num_day = int(x.total_seconds() / 60 / 60 / 24) # (day) assert 1 % num_day == 0 except ISO8601Error: print("%s unsupported" % granularity) assert 0 else: return None if level == "day": if keep_col_names is True: datetime_col = """to_timestamp(concat(date(time_stamp), " ", "00:00"), "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm") as {time_stamp}""".format( time_stamp=time_stamp ) else: datetime_col = """to_timestamp(concat(date(time_stamp), " ", "00:00"), "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm") as time_stamp""" if num_day == 1: sql_stmt = """ select {key_col}, {obs_col}, to_date(time_stamp) as time_stamp_date, {datetime_col} from {cos_in} group by field_name, to_date(time_stamp) INTO {cos_out} STORED AS PARQUET {partition_clause} """.format( cos_in=cos_in, cos_out=cos_out, key_col=key_col, obs_col=obs_col, datetime_col=datetime_col, time_info=time_info, num_day=num_day, partition_clause=partition_clause, ops=ops, ) else: # num_day > 1 msg = "Can't use a day value > 1" raise Exception(msg) assert 0 sql_stmt = """ select {key_col}, {obs_col}, to_date(time_stamp) as time_stamp_date, (floor(hour(time_stamp)/{num_hour})) * {num_hour} as time_stamp_hour, -- within [current, current+{num_hour}) hour time-window {datetime_col} from {cos_in} group by field_name, time_stamp_date, time_stamp_hour INTO {cos_out} STORED AS PARQUET {partition_clause} """.format( cos_in=cos_in, cos_out=cos_out, key_col=key_col, obs_col=obs_col, datetime_col=datetime_col, time_info=time_info, num_day=num_day, partition_clause=partition_clause, ops=ops, ) sql_stmt = view_stmt + "\n" + sql_stmt if dry_run: print_sql(sql_stmt) result = None else: result = self.execute_sql(sql_stmt) ## Restore timestamp as single column # if dry_run: # cos_in = "cos://dry_run/" # else: # cos_in = self.get_job(result.job_id)['resultset_location'] # sql_stmt = """ # select # {key_col}, # {datetime_col}, # {obs_col} # from {cos_in} stored as parquet # INTO {cos_out} STORED AS PARQUET {partition_clause} # """.format(cos_in=cos_in, cos_out=cos_out, key_col=key_col, datetime_col=datetime_col, obs_col=obs_col, time_info=time_info, # partition_clause=partition_clause) # if dry_run: # print_sql(sql_stmt) # result = None # else: # result = self.execute_sql(sql_stmt) return result def query_hour(): """ return: None or 'result' """ nonlocal cos_in p = re.compile(r"per_[0-9]*hour") p2 = re.compile(r"per_[0-9]+hour") level = "raw" num_hour = 1 if p.match(granularity): level = "hour" if p2.match(granularity): temp = re.findall(r"\d+", granularity) num_hour = list(map(int, temp))[0] assert 24 % num_hour == 0 else: if granularity[0:2].upper() == "PT" and granularity[-1].upper() == "H": level = "hour" try: import isodate x = isodate.parse_duration(granularity.strip()) num_hour = int(x.total_seconds() / 60 / 60) # (hour) assert 24 % num_hour == 0 except ISO8601Error: print("%s unsupported" % granularity) assert 0 else: return None if level == "hour": if keep_col_names is True: datetime_col = """to_timestamp(concat(date(to_date(time_stamp)), " ", hour(time_stamp), ":00"), "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm") as {time_stamp}""".format( time_stamp=time_stamp ) else: datetime_col = """to_timestamp(concat(date(to_date(time_stamp)), " ", hour(time_stamp), ":00"), "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm") as time_stamp""" if num_hour == 1: sql_stmt = """ select {key_col}, {obs_col}, to_date(time_stamp) as time_stamp_date, hour(time_stamp) as time_stamp_hour, {datetime_col} from {cos_in} group by field_name, to_date(time_stamp), hour(time_stamp) INTO {cos_out} STORED AS PARQUET {partition_clause} """.format( cos_in=cos_in, cos_out=cos_out, key_col=key_col, obs_col=obs_col, datetime_col=datetime_col, time_info=time_info, num_hour=num_hour, partition_clause=partition_clause, ops=ops, ) else: # num_hour > 1 sql_stmt = """ select {key_col}, {obs_col}, to_date(time_stamp) as time_stamp_date, (floor(hour(time_stamp)/{num_hour})) * {num_hour} as time_stamp_hour, -- within [current, current+{num_hour}) hour time-window {datetime_col} from {cos_in} group by field_name, to_date(time_stamp), (floor(hour(time_stamp)/{num_hour})) * {num_hour} INTO {cos_out} STORED AS PARQUET {partition_clause} """.format( cos_in=cos_in, cos_out=cos_out, key_col=key_col, obs_col=obs_col, datetime_col=datetime_col, time_info=time_info, num_hour=num_hour, partition_clause=partition_clause, ops=ops, ) sql_stmt = view_stmt + "\n" + sql_stmt if dry_run: print_sql(sql_stmt) result = None else: result = self.execute_sql(sql_stmt) ## Restore timestamp as single column # if dry_run: # cos_in = "cos://dry_run/" # else: # cos_in = self.get_job(result.job_id)['resultset_location'] # sql_stmt = """ # select # {key_col}, # {datetime_col}, # {obs_col} # from {cos_in} stored as parquet # INTO {cos_out} STORED AS PARQUET {partition_clause} # """.format(cos_in=cos_in, cos_out=cos_out, key_col=key_col, obs_col=obs_col, datetime_col=datetime_col, time_info=time_info, # partition_clause=partition_clause) # if dry_run: # print_sql(sql_stmt) # result = None # else: # result = self.execute_sql(sql_stmt) return result def query_min(): """ return: None or 'result' """ nonlocal cos_in p = re.compile(r"per_[0-9]*min") p2 = re.compile(r"per_[0-9]+min") level = "raw" num_min = 1 if p.match(granularity): level = "minute" if p2.match(granularity): temp = re.findall(r"\d+", granularity) num_min = list(map(int, temp))[0] assert 60 % num_min == 0 else: if granularity[0:2].upper() == "PT" and granularity[-1].upper() == "M": level = "minute" try: import isodate x = isodate.parse_duration(granularity.strip()) num_min = int(x.total_seconds() / 60) # (minute) assert 60 % num_min == 0 except ISO8601Error: print("%s unsupported" % granularity) assert 0 else: return None if level == "minute": if keep_col_names is True: datetime_col = """to_timestamp(concat(date(to_date(time_stamp)), " ", hour(time_stamp), ":", (floor(minute(time_stamp)/{num_min})) * {num_min}), "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm") as {time_stamp}""".format( time_stamp=time_stamp, num_min=num_min ) else: datetime_col = """to_timestamp(concat(date(to_date(time_stamp)), " ", hour(time_stamp), ":", (floor(minute(time_stamp)/{num_min})) * {num_min}), "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm") as time_stamp""".format( num_min=num_min ) sql_stmt = """ select {key_col}, {obs_col}, to_date(time_stamp) as time_stamp_date, hour(time_stamp) as time_stamp_hour, (floor(minute(time_stamp)/{num_min})) * {num_min} as time_stamp_minute, -- within [current, current+{num_min}) minute time-window {datetime_col} from {cos_in} group by field_name, to_date(time_stamp), hour(time_stamp), (floor(minute(time_stamp)/{num_min})) * {num_min} INTO {cos_out} STORED AS PARQUET {partition_clause} """.format( cos_in=cos_in, cos_out=cos_out, key_col=key_col, obs_col=obs_col, datetime_col=datetime_col, time_info=time_info, num_min=num_min, partition_clause=partition_clause, ops=ops, ) sql_stmt = view_stmt + "\n" + sql_stmt if dry_run: print_sql(sql_stmt) result = None else: result = self.execute_sql(sql_stmt) ## Restore timestamp as single column # if dry_run: # cos_in = "cos://dry_run/" # else: # cos_in = self.get_job(result.job_id)['resultset_location'] # sql_stmt = """ # select # {key_col}, # {datetime_col}, # {obs_col} # from {cos_in} stored as parquet # INTO {cos_out} STORED AS PARQUET {partition_clause} # """.format(cos_in=cos_in, cos_out=cos_out, key_col=key_col, obs_col=obs_col, datetime_col=datetime_col, time_info=time_info, # partition_clause=partition_clause) # if dry_run: # print_sql(sql_stmt) # result = None # else: # result = self.execute_sql(sql_stmt) return result def query_sec(): """ return: None or 'result' """ p = re.compile(r"per_[0-9]*sec") p2 = re.compile(r"per_[0-9]+sec") level = "raw" num_sec = 1 if p.match(granularity): level = "sec" if p2.match(granularity): temp = re.findall(r"\d+", granularity) num_sec = list(map(int, temp))[0] assert 60 % num_sec == 0 else: if granularity[0:2].upper() == "PT" and granularity[-1].upper() == "S": level = "sec" try: import isodate x = isodate.parse_duration(granularity.strip()) num_sec = int(x.total_seconds()) assert 60 % num_sec == 0 except ISO8601Error: print("%s unsupported" % granularity) assert 0 else: return None if level == "sec": if keep_col_names is True: datetime_col = """to_timestamp(concat(date(to_date(time_stamp)), " ", ":".join([hour(time_stamp), minute(time_stamp), (floor(second(time_stamp)/{num_sec})) * {num_sec}]), "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") as {time_stamp}""".format( time_stamp=time_stamp, num_sec=num_sec ) else: datetime_col = """to_timestamp(concat(date(to_date(time_stamp)), " ", ":".join([hour(time_stamp), minute(time_stamp), (floor(second(time_stamp)/{num_sec})) * {num_sec}]), "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") as time_stamp""".format( num_sec=num_sec ) sql_stmt = """ select {key_col}, {obs_col}, to_date(time_stamp) as time_stamp_date, hour(time_stamp) as time_stamp_hour, minute(time_stamp) as time_stamp_minute, (floor(second(time_stamp)/{num_sec})) * {num_sec} as time_stamp_second, -- within [current, current+{num_sec}) second time-window, {datetime_col} from {cos_in} group by field_name, to_date(time_stamp), hour(time_stamp), minute(time_stamp), (floor(second(time_stamp)/{num_sec})) * {num_sec} INTO {cos_out} STORED AS PARQUET {partition_clause} """.format( cos_in=cos_in, cos_out=cos_out, key_col=key_col, obs_col=obs_col, datetime_col=datetime_col, time_info=time_info, num_sec=num_sec, partition_clause=partition_clause, ops=ops, ) sql_stmt = view_stmt + "\n" + sql_stmt if dry_run: print_sql(sql_stmt) result = None else: result = self.execute_sql(sql_stmt) # # Restore timestamp as single column # if dry_run: # init_cos = "cos://dry_run/" # else: # init_cos = self.get_job(result.job_id)['resultset_location'] # sql_stmt = """ # select # {key_col}, # {datetime_col}, # {obs_col} # from {cos_in} stored as parquet # INTO {cos_out} STORED AS PARQUET {partition_clause} # """.format(cos_in=cos_in, cos_out=cos_out, key_col=key_col, obs_col=obs_col, # datetime_col=datetime_col, time_info=time_info, # partition_clause=partition_clause) # if dry_run: # print_sql(sql_stmt) # result = None # else: # result = self.execute_sql(sql_stmt) return result result = query_min() if result is None: result = query_sec() if result is None: result = query_hour() if result is None: result = query_day() return result
[docs] def human_form_to_machine_form(self, sql_stmt): """ apply magic tricks to convert some useful names, e.g. hour, day, ... to the expected numeric value in [ms] - which is the expected input to TimeSeries functions in SQL """ with lock: backup_stmt = self._sql_stmt self._sql_stmt = sql_stmt self.format_() sql_stmt = self._sql_stmt self._sql_stmt = backup_stmt return sql_stmt
[docs] def execute_sql(self, *args, **kwargs): sql_stmt = args[0] tmp = list(args) sql_stmt = self.human_form_to_machine_form(sql_stmt) tmp[0] = sql_stmt args = tuple(tmp) return super().execute_sql(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def run_sql(self, *args, **kwargs): sql_stmt = args[0] tmp = list(args) sql_stmt = self.human_form_to_machine_form(sql_stmt) tmp[0] = sql_stmt args = tuple(tmp) return super().run_sql(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def submit_sql(self, *args, **kwargs): sql_stmt = args[0] tmp = list(args) sql_stmt = self.human_form_to_machine_form(sql_stmt) tmp[0] = sql_stmt args = tuple(tmp) return super().submit_sql(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]def test_run(): sqlClient = SQLClient() sql_stmt = """ WITH hourly_avg_table as ( SELECT location, TS_SEG_AVG(TS_SEGMENT_BY_TIME(pm, 3600000, 3600000)) as hourly_avg_pm_ts, TS_SEG_AVG(TS_SEGMENT_BY_TIME(pm, hour , hour)) as hourly_avg_pm_ts_2 TS_SEG_AVG(TS_SEGMENT_BY_TIME(pm, hour , hour)) as hourly_avg_pm_ts_2 TS_SEG_AVG(TS_SEGMENT_BY_TIME(pm, hour , 3600000)) as hourly_avg_pm_ts_2 FROM cos:// STORED AS PARQUET) SELECT location, TS_FILLNA(hourly_avg_pm_ts, TS_INTERPOLATOR_LINEAR(0.0,1,1)) as hourly_avg_pm_ts FROM hourly_avg_table INTO cos://us-south/tuan-sql-result STORED AS PARQUET """ sqlClient._sql_stmt = sql_stmt