Source code for ibmcloudsql.exceptions

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# Copyright IBM Corp. 2020
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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[docs]class RateLimitedException(Exception): """The error when number of requests exceeds the capacity""" def __init__(self, msg, original_exception=None): if original_exception is not None: super().__init__(msg + (": %s" % original_exception)) else: super().__init__(msg) self.original_exception = original_exception
[docs]class InternalError502Exception(Exception): """The error when SQL Query returns a 502 internal error""" def __init__(self, msg, original_exception=None): if original_exception is not None: super().__init__(msg + (": %s" % original_exception)) else: super().__init__(msg) self.original_exception = original_exception
[docs]class CosUrlNotFoundException(Exception): """The error when the Cloud-Object Storage (COS) URL being used is invalid or not accessible""" def __init__(self, msg, original_exception=None): if original_exception is not None: super().__init__(msg + (": %s" % original_exception)) else: super().__init__(msg) self.original_exception = original_exception
[docs]class CosUrlInaccessibleException(Exception): """The error when the Cloud-Object Storage (COS) URL being used is not accessible""" def __init__(self, msg, original_exception=None): if original_exception is not None: super().__init__(msg + (": %s" % original_exception)) else: super().__init__(msg) self.original_exception = original_exception
[docs]class SqlQueryCrnInvalidFormatException(Exception): """The error when the SQL Query CRN is not correct""" def __init__(self, msg, original_exception=None): if original_exception is not None: super().__init__(msg + (": %s" % original_exception)) else: super().__init__(msg) self.original_exception = original_exception
[docs]class SqlQueryInvalidPlanException(Exception): """The error when the used feature is not supported by the current service plan - e.g. need to upgrade to Standard Plan or higher""" def __init__(self, msg, original_exception=None): if original_exception is not None: super().__init__(msg + (": %s" % original_exception)) else: super().__init__(msg) self.original_exception = original_exception
[docs]class SqlQueryFailException(Exception): """The error raised when a running sql job fails, e.g. timeout""" def __init__(self, msg, original_exception=None): if original_exception is not None: super().__init__(msg + (": %s" % original_exception)) else: super().__init__(msg) self.original_exception = original_exception
[docs]class SqlQueryCreateTableException(SqlQueryFailException): """The error raised when a running create-table sql job fails""" def __init__(self, msg, original_exception=None): if original_exception is not None: super().__init__(msg + (": %s" % original_exception)) else: super().__init__(msg) self.original_exception = original_exception
[docs]class SqlQueryDropTableException(SqlQueryFailException): """The error raised when a running drop-table sql job fails""" def __init__(self, msg, original_exception=None): if original_exception is not None: super().__init__(msg + (": %s" % original_exception)) else: super().__init__(msg) self.original_exception = original_exception
[docs]class SqlQueryInvalidFormatException(SqlQueryFailException): """The error raised when the format of COS URL is not valid""" def __init__(self, msg, original_exception=None): if original_exception is not None: super().__init__(msg + (": %s" % original_exception)) else: super().__init__(msg) self.original_exception = original_exception
[docs]class UnsupportedStorageFormatException(Exception): """The error when the SQL uses a format of data that has not been supported yet""" def __init__(self, msg, original_exception=None): if original_exception is not None: super().__init__(msg + (": %s" % original_exception)) else: super().__init__(msg) self.original_exception = original_exception