Source code for ibmcloudsql.catalog_table

"""Catalog Table."""
import logging
import time

from deprecated import deprecated

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
    from cos import ParsedUrl
    from exceptions import (
except ImportError:
    from .cos import ParsedUrl
    from .exceptions import (

[docs]class HiveMetastore: """This class supports the handling HIVE catalog table.""" def __init__(self, target_url): """Create an instance of the class. Parameters ---------- target_url: str The COS URL that is used to store temporary data for any SQL Query queries. """ self.current_table_name = None # keep tracks of what tables are availables self.partitioned_tables = set() self.regular_tables = set() self.sql_stmt_show_template = """ SHOW TABLES {like} INTO {cos_out} STORED AS CSV """ # The default URL where data should be queried self.cos_in_url_partitioned = "cos://us-geo/sql/customers_partitioned.csv" self.cos_in_url = "cos://us-geo/sql/customers.csv" self.sql_stmt_create_template = """ CREATE TABLE {table_name} USING {format_type} LOCATION {cos_in} """ self._target_url = target_url self.supported_format_types = ["PARQUET", "CSV", "JSON"] def _is_valid_target_url(self, target_url=None): """Raise ValueError if the required COS URL is invalid.""" if target_url is None: target_url = self._target_url if target_url is None or not ParsedUrl().is_valid_cos_url(target_url): msg = "Need to define target COS URL" if target_url is not None: msg = "Not a valid COS URL: {}".format(target_url) raise ValueError(msg) return True
[docs] def configure(self, target_url): """Update the configuration.""" self._is_valid_target_url(target_url) self._target_url = target_url
@property def target_url(self): """Return the target COS URL.""" return self._target_url @target_url.setter def target_url(self, target_url): self._is_valid_target_url(target_url) self._target_url = target_url # Extended functionality
[docs] def show_tables(self, target_cos_url=None, pattern=None): """List the available Hive Metastore. Parameters ------------ target_cos_url: string, optional The COR URL where the information about the tables are stored pattern: str, optional If provided, this should be a pattern being used in name matching, e.g. '*cus*', which finds all tables with the name has 'cus' Returns -------- DataFrame or None return `None` if there is an error. Raises ------- SqlQueryFailException ValueError """ if target_cos_url is None: cos_out = self.target_url else: cos_out = target_cos_url self._is_valid_target_url(cos_out) sql_stmt_show = self.sql_stmt_show_template.format( like="LIKE '{}'".format(pattern) if pattern else "", cos_out=cos_out ) df = None try: df, job_id = self.execute_sql(sql_stmt_show, get_result=True) except (SqlQueryFailException, KeyError) as e:"Fail at SHOW TABLE") raise e return df
[docs] def drop_all_tables(self): """Delete all created tables in the project. Returns ------- bool True [if success] """ df = self.show_tables() if df is not None and not df.empty: for (_, table_name) in df["tableName"].iteritems(): self.drop_table(table_name) try: self.partitioned_tables.remove(table_name) self.regular_tables.remove(table_name) except KeyError: pass self.partitioned_tables = set() self.regular_tables = set() return True
[docs] def drop_tables(self, table_names): """Drop a list of tables. Parameters ---------- table_names: list A list of tables """ for x in table_names: self.drop_table(x)
[docs] def drop_table(self, table_name=None): """Drop a given table. Parameters ---------- table_name: str, optional The name of the table If skipped, the being tracked catalog-table is used Returns ------- str: a job status Raises ------- SqlQueryDropTableException when it cannot remove the given table name ValueError """ if table_name is None and self.current_table_name is None: msg = "please provide table_name" raise ValueError(msg) if table_name is None: table_name = self.current_table_name self.current_table_name = None sql_stmt_drop = """ DROP TABLE {table_name}""".format( table_name=table_name ) try: _, job_id = self.execute_sql(sql_stmt_drop) logger.debug( "Job_id ({stmt}): {job_id}".format(stmt=sql_stmt_drop, job_id=job_id) ) job_status = self.wait_for_job(job_id) if job_status != "completed": raise SqlQueryDropTableException( "table name {} removed failed".format(table_name) ) self.partitioned_tables.remove(table_name) self.regular_tables.remove(table_name) except SqlQueryFailException: msg = "Wrong table name" logger.warning(msg) except KeyError: pass return "completed"
[docs] def create_table( self, table_name, cos_url=None, format_type="CSV", force_recreate=False, blocking=True, schema=None, ): """Create a table for data on COS. Parameters ---------- table_name: str The name of the table cos_url : str, optional The COS URL from which the table should reference to If not provided, it uses the internal `self.cos_in_url` format_type: string, optional The type of the data above that you want to reference (default: CSV) force_recreate: bool, optional (True) force to recreate an existing table blocking: bool, optional (True) wait until it returns the resut schema: None or string If None, then automatic schema detection is used. Otherwise, pass in the comma-separated string in the form "(columnName type, columnName type)" Returns ------- none if job "failed" otherwise returns Raises ------- ValueError: when the argument is invalid for `cos_url` (invalid format or there is no such location), format_type (invalid value) SqlQueryDropTableException when it cannot remove the given table name SqlQueryCreateTableException when it cannot create the given table name """ self._is_valid_target_url(cos_url) def _create_table_async( table_name, cos_url=None, format_type="CSV", force_recreate=False, schema=None, ): """ Create a table asynchronously. This is the async version of :meth:`.create_table`. Parameters ---------- table_name: str The name of the table cos_url : str, optional The COS URL from which the table should reference to If not provided, it uses the internal `self.cos_in_url` force_recreate: bool, optional (True) force to recreate an existing table Returns ------ job_id [if the table is being created] None [if the table already created] """ self.current_table_name = table_name if cos_url is None: cos_url = self.cos_in_url # from IPython.display import display df = self.show_tables() try: found = df[df["tableName"].str.contains(table_name.strip().lower())] except Exception: # not found found = [] # if logger.getEffectiveLevel() == logging.DEBUG: # display(df) if len(found) > 0 and force_recreate: self.drop_table(table_name) self.regular_tables.add(table_name) if len(found) == 0 or force_recreate: if schema is None: sql_stmt_create = self.sql_stmt_create_template.format( table_name=table_name, cos_in=cos_url, format_type=format_type ) else: # choose scheme -> need to tell "PARTITIONED BY" schema = self._format_schema(schema) sql_stmt_create = """ CREATE TABLE {table_name} {schema} USING {format_type} LOCATION {cos_in} """.format( table_name=table_name, cos_in=cos_url, format_type=format_type, schema=schema, ) logger.debug(sql_stmt_create) job_id = self.submit_sql(sql_stmt_create) return job_id return None job_id = _create_table_async( table_name, cos_url, format_type=format_type, force_recreate=force_recreate, schema=schema, ) if job_id is not None and blocking is True: job_status = self.wait_for_job(job_id) if job_status == "completed": return self.get_result(job_id) else: return None return None
def _format_schema(self, schema): """Format the schema string to ensure it is enclosed by ( and ).""" schema = schema.strip() if schema[0] == "(" or schema[-1] == ")": if schema[0] != "(" or schema[-1] != ")": print("schema wrong format, should be: (name type, name type)") assert 0 else: schema = "(" + schema + ")" return schema
[docs] def create_partitioned_table( self, table_name, cos_url=None, format_type="CSV", force_recreate=False, schema=None, partition_list=None, ): """Create a partitioned table for data on COS. Note ----------- The data needs to be organized in the form that match HIVE metastore criteria, e.g. .. code-block:: console <COS-URL>/field_1=value1_1/field_2=value_2_1/object_file <COS-URL>/field_1=value1_2/field_2=value_2_1/object_file NOTE: Each time the data is updated, we need to call :meth:`.recover_table_partitions` on the created partitioned table. Parameters -------------- table_name: str the name of the table to be created cos_url : str, optional The COS URL from which the table should reference to If not provided, it uses the internal `self.cos_in_url` format_type: string, optional The type of the data above (default: CSV) force_recreate: bool (True) force to recreate an existing table schema: None or string If None, then automatic schema detection is used. Otherwise, pass in the comma-separated string in the form "(columnName type, columnName type)" partition_list: comma-separated string | list the list of columns to be part of the partitioning. NOTE: the order matters. Returns ---------- None Raises ------- ValueError: when the argument is invalid for `cos_url` (invalid format or there is no such location), format_type (invalid value) SqlQueryFailException: when it cannot remove the given table name """ self.current_table_name = table_name if cos_url is None: cos_url = self.cos_in_url_partitioned else: self._is_valid_target_url(cos_url) if schema is not None: if partition_list is None: raise ValueError("Please provide `partition_list`") df = self.show_tables() table = table_name.strip().lower() try: found = df[df["tableName"].str.contains(table)][ "tableName" ].tolist() # noqa if table not in found: found = [] except Exception: # not found found = [] if len(found) > 0 and force_recreate: self.drop_table(table_name) self.partitioned_tables.add(table_name) if format_type.upper() not in self.supported_format_types: raise ValueError( "Please fix `format_type` to be in {}".format( str(self.supported_format_types) ) ) if len(found) == 0 or force_recreate: if schema is None: # auto-detection of scheme self.sql_stmt_create_partitioned_template = """ CREATE TABLE {table_name} USING {format_type} LOCATION {cos_in} """ sql_stmt_create_partitioned = self.sql_stmt_create_partitioned_template.format( # noqa table_name=table_name, cos_in=cos_url, format_type=format_type, # noqa ) else: if isinstance(partition_list, list): tmp = ", ".join(partition_list) partition_list = tmp # explit selection of scheme -> need to tell "PARTITIONED BY" schema = self._format_schema(schema) sql_stmt_create_partitioned = """ CREATE TABLE {table_name} {schema} USING {format_type} PARTITIONED BY ({partition_list}) LOCATION {cos_in} """.format( table_name=table_name, cos_in=cos_url, format_type=format_type, schema=schema, partition_list=partition_list, ) logger.debug(sql_stmt_create_partitioned) try: self.run_sql(sql_stmt_create_partitioned) except Exception as e: msg = str(e) no_schema_error_msg = "Unable to infer schema" if no_schema_error_msg in msg: msg = ( "Can't infer schema (explicit schema is needed)" " or the COS URL is wrong. Please check" ) raise SqlQueryCreateTableException(msg) else: raise e time.sleep(2) self.recover_table_partitions(table_name) else: # TODO: update table? pass
[docs] def add_partitions(self, table_name, col_names): """Update the table with a partition column having new value.""" self.current_table_name = table_name sql_stmt = """ALTER TABLE {table_name} ADD {col_names} PARTITIONS """.format( table_name=table_name, col_names=col_names ) self.run_sql(sql_stmt)
[docs] def recover_table_partitions(self, table_name): """Update a partitioned table. This step is required after creating a new partitioned table. Note ------ You should use this once at the start (at the first time you define the table) to save some work but later on, I would recommend using :meth:`.add_partitions` Parameters ---------- table_name: str The partitioned table name """ self.current_table_name = table_name sql_stmt = """ALTER TABLE {table_name} RECOVER PARTITIONS """.format( table_name=table_name ) self.run_sql(sql_stmt)
[docs] def get_schema_table(self, table_name): """Return the schema of table. Parameters ---------- table_name: str Name of the HIVE catalog table Returns ------ DataFrame or None [if failed - table not found] 3 columns: col_name (object), data_type (object), comment (float64) """ return self._describe_table(table_name)
[docs] @deprecated( version="1.0", reason="Please use get_schema_table [in par with :meth:`.get_schema` from COS URL]", # noqa ) def describe_table(self, table_name): """Return the schema of a table.""" return self._describe_table(table_name)
def _describe_table(self, table_name): self._is_valid_target_url() sql_stmt = """ DESCRIBE TABLE {table_name} INTO {cos_out} STORED AS CSV""".format( table_name=table_name, cos_out=self.target_url ) try: return self.run_sql(sql_stmt) except Exception: return None
[docs] def create_metaindex(self, table_name): """Create a metaindex for a given table.""" sql_stmt = """CREATE METAINDEX {}""".format(table_name) try: return self.run_sql(sql_stmt) except Exception: return None
[docs] def get_metaindex(self, table_name): """Get the metaindex of a table.""" sql_stmt = """DESCRIBE METAINDEX ON TABLE {}""".format(table_name) try: return self.run_sql(sql_stmt) except Exception: return None