Source code for ibmcloudsql.SQLQuery

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright IBM Corp. 2020
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# flake8: noqa F522
import os
import sys
import tempfile
import time
import types
import urllib
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from collections import namedtuple
from pprint import pformat

import backoff
import dateutil.parser
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import requests
from requests.exceptions import HTTPError

    from exceptions import (
except Exception:
    from .exceptions import (
    from .cos import COSClient
    from .utilities import rename_keys
    from .sql_magic import SQLBuilder, format_sql, print_sql
    from .catalog_table import HiveMetastore
except ImportError:
    from cos import COSClient
    from utilities import rename_keys
    from sql_magic import SQLBuilder, format_sql, print_sql
    from catalog_table import HiveMetastore
import logging
from functools import wraps
import json
from json import JSONDecodeError
import inspect
import re
from datetime import datetime
from threading import Thread
from timeit import default_timer as timer

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def validate_job_status(f): """check if input about job status, via `status` argument is corrected""" @wraps(f) def wrapped(*args, **kwargs): self = args[0] dictionary = inspect.getcallargs(f, *args, **kwargs) status = dictionary["status"] supported_job_status = ["running", "completed", "failed"] if status not in supported_job_status: raise ValueError( "`status` must be a value in {}".format(supported_job_status) ) else: return f(*args, **kwargs) return wrapped
saved_jobs_prev_time =
[docs]def save(file_name, data): """Save file still ok in the case of Ctrl-C is pressed""" # backup file regularly import time from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta global saved_jobs_prev_time now = diff = relativedelta(now, saved_jobs_prev_time) backup_file = None if diff.hours > 1: saved_jobs_prev_time = now t = time.localtime() timestamp = time.strftime("%b-%d-%Y_%H%M", t) backup_file = "{}-{}".format(file_name, timestamp) a = Thread(target=_save_no_interrupt, args=(file_name, data, backup_file)) a.start() a.join()
def _save_no_interrupt(file_name, data, backup_file): if backup_file is not None: import shutil shutil.copyfile(file_name, backup_file) with open(file_name, "w") as outfile: json.dump(data, outfile)
[docs]def check_saved_jobs_decorator(f): """a decorator that load data from ProjectLib, check for completed SQL Query job, before deciding to launch it""" def check_rerun_failed_job(self, job_result, sql_stmt, prefix): """for failed job due to long runtime: raise SqlQueryTimeOutException so that the caller knows to split the job into two smaller jobs""" run_as_usual = False if job_result["status"] == "failed": if ( "error_message" in job_result and "location does not exist" in job_result["error_message"] ): print("skip due to no data: {}".format(sql_stmt)) else: # if failed because of too-long, don't try it again from dateutil import parser startt = parser.parse(job_result["submit_time"]) endt = parser.parse(job_result["end_time"]) tMin = (endt - startt).seconds / 60 if tMin > 50: self._data[sql_stmt]["lower_granularity"] = True self._data[sql_stmt]["run_time_more_than"] = tMin save(prefix, self._data) msg = "Runtime: {} (min). Need to change the SQL statement to reduce running time".format( tMin ) raise SqlQueryTimeOutException(msg) run_as_usual = True return run_as_usual @wraps(f) def wrapped(*args, **kwargs): self = args[0] dictionary = inspect.getcallargs(f, *args, **kwargs) prefix = dictionary["file_name"] # Gets you the username, default or modifed sql_stmt = dictionary["sql_stmt"] force_rerun = dictionary["force_rerun"] # refine query sql_stmt = format_sql(sql_stmt) status_no_job_id = "not_launched" run_as_usual = True if self.project_lib is not None: # Use Watson Studio # handle here if is None: self.read_project_lib_data(file_name=prefix) keys_mapping = {} # refine existing data for key, _ in new_key = format_sql(key) if key != new_key: keys_mapping[key] = new_key if len(keys_mapping) > 0: rename_keys(, keys_mapping) if force_rerun is True: run_as_usual = True elif sql_stmt in run_as_usual = False job_id =[sql_stmt]["job_id"] if[sql_stmt]["status"] == "completed": print("Job {} completed".format(job_id)) else: if[sql_stmt]["status"] != status_no_job_id: # query the status job_result = self.get_job(job_id) job_result.pop("statement", None)[sql_stmt]["job_info"] = job_result try:[sql_stmt]["status"] = job_result[ "status" ] except KeyError as e: import pprint pprint.pprint(job_id, "\n", job_result) raise e run_as_usual = check_rerun_failed_job( self, job_result, sql_stmt, prefix ) self.write_project_lib_data() else: run_as_usual = True else: # use local file if prefix is None: if self._tracking_filename is None: msg = "Please configure the JSON file via `set_tracking_file`" raise ValueError(msg) else: prefix = self._tracking_filename try: with open(prefix) as json_data: try: self._data = json.load(json_data) except ValueError: print( "Can't load {prefix} file: not a valid JSON file".format( prefix=prefix ) ) assert 0 if force_rerun is True: run_as_usual = True elif sql_stmt in self._data: run_as_usual = False job_id = self._data[sql_stmt]["job_id"] if self._data[sql_stmt]["status"] == "completed": print("Job {} completed".format(job_id)) else: if self._data[sql_stmt]["status"] != status_no_job_id: # query the status job_result = self.get_job(job_id) job_result.pop("statement", None) self._data[sql_stmt]["job_info"] = job_result try: self._data[sql_stmt]["status"] = job_result["status"] except KeyError as e: import pprint pprint.pprint(job_result) raise e run_as_usual = check_rerun_failed_job( self, job_result, sql_stmt, prefix ) save(prefix, self._data) else: run_as_usual = True except FileNotFoundError: self._data = {} if run_as_usual: e_ = None job_id = "" status = "queued" try: job_id = f(*args, **kwargs) result = {"job_id": job_id, "status": status} if self.project_lib is not None:[sql_stmt] = result self.write_project_lib_data() else: # use local file self._data[sql_stmt] = result save(prefix, self._data) except Exception as e: e_ = e status = status_no_job_id if e_ is not None: if self.project_lib is not None:[sql_stmt] = { "job_id": job_id, "status": status, } self.write_project_lib_data() else: # use local file self._data[sql_stmt] = {"job_id": job_id, "status": status} save(prefix, self._data) if e_ is not None: raise e_ return job_id return wrapped
[docs]class SQLQuery(COSClient, SQLBuilder, HiveMetastore): """The class the provides necessary APIs to interact with 1. IBM SQL Serverless service 2. IBM COS service Parameters ---------- apikey : str, optional an account-level API key [manage/Access (IAM)/IBM Cloud API keys] instance_crn :str, optional CRN from SQLQuery instance target_cos_url : str, optional the URI where retrieved data is stored max_concurrent_jobs: int, optional the max number of concurrent jobs client_info : str, optional User-defined string max_tries: int, optional The number of time :meth:`.submit_sql`, should try to request CloudSQL before giving up. iam_max_tries: int, optional The number of times to request credential from IAM. By default, token is returned from a request to `` which may not be responsive (i.e. timeout=5 seconds). This parameter controls how many times to try. thread_safe: bool, optional (=False) If thread-safe is used, a new Session object is created upon this object creation """ def __init__( self, api_key, instance_crn, target_cos_url=None, client_info="IBM Cloud SQL Query Python SDK", thread_safe=False, max_concurrent_jobs=4, max_tries=1, iam_max_tries=1, ): staging_env = instance_crn.startswith("crn:v1:staging") if staging_env: self.api_hostname = "" self.ui_hostname = "" else: self.api_hostname = "" self.ui_hostname = "" COSClient.__init__( self, cloud_apikey=api_key, cos_url=target_cos_url, client_info=client_info, iam_max_tries=iam_max_tries, thread_safe=thread_safe, staging=staging_env, ) SQLBuilder.__init__(self) if target_cos_url is not None: HiveMetastore.__init__(self, target_cos_url) self.instance_crn = instance_crn self.target_cos_url = target_cos_url self.export_cos_url = target_cos_url self.user_agent = client_info self._supported_format_types = ["JSON", "CSV", "PARQUET"] self.max_tries = max_tries self.max_concurrent_jobs = ( max_concurrent_jobs # the current maximum concurrent jobs ) # track the status of jobs - save the time to SQLQuery server self.jobs_tracking = {} self._tracking_filename = None self._supported_job_status = ["running", "completed", "failed", "unknown"] logger.debug("SQLClient created successful")
[docs] def is_a_supported_storage_type(self, typ): """check if a type is in a supported format""" return typ.upper() in self._supported_format_types
[docs] def set_tracking_file(self, file_name): """provides the file name which is used for tracking multiple SQL requests Notes ----- This is the local file, which is used when you don't have access to Watson Studio """ self._tracking_filename = file_name
@property def my_jobs(self): """ Return information about jobs already queried via :meth:`.get_job` issued by this SQLClient class object This is different from :py:meth:`.get_jobs` Returns ------- dict """ return self.jobs_tracking
[docs] def configure(self, apikey=None, instance_crn=None, cos_out_url=None): """ update the configuration """ COSClient.configure(self, apikey) if instance_crn is None: self.instance_crn = ( input( "Enter SQL Query Instance CRN (leave empty to use previous one): " ) or self.instance_crn ) else: self.instance_crn = instance_crn if cos_out_url is None: if self.target_cos_url is None or self.target_cos_url == "": while True: self.target_cos_url = input("Enter target URI for SQL results: ") if self.is_valid_cos_url(cos_url): break else: old_cos_url = str(self.target_cos_url) while True: self.target_cos_url = ( input( "Enter target URI for SQL results (leave empty to use " + self.target_cos_url + "): " ) or old_cos_url ) if self.is_valid_cos_url(cos_url): break else: self.target_cos_url = cos_out_url HiveMetastore.configure(self, self.target_cos_url) self.logon(force=True)
def _response_error_msg(self, response): try: return response.json()["errors"][0]["message"] except: # if we get the error from some intermediate proxy, it may # not match the SQLQuery error format return "Non-parseable error: {txt}".format(txt=response.text[0:200]) def _send_req(self, json_data): """send SQL data to API. return job id""" try: response = "https://{}/v2/sql_jobs?instance_crn={}".format( self.api_hostname, self.instance_crn ), headers=self.request_headers, json=json_data, ) # Throw in case we hit the rate limit if response.status_code == 429: time.sleep(3) # seconds raise RateLimitedException( "SQL submission failed ({code}): {msg}".format( code=response.status_code, msg=self._response_error_msg(response), ) ) # Throw in case we hit 502, which sometimes is sent by Cloudflare when API is temporarily unreachable if response.status_code == 502: time.sleep(3) # seconds raise InternalError502Exception( "Internal Error ({code}): {msg}".format( code=response.status_code, msg=self._response_error_msg(response), ) ) # any other error but 429 will be raised here, like 403 etc response.raise_for_status() resp = response.json() if "job_id" in resp: return resp["job_id"] else: raise SyntaxError( "Response {resp} contains no job ID".format(resp=resp) ) except (HTTPError) as _: msg = self._response_error_msg(response) error_message = "SQL submission failed ({code}): {msg} - {query}".format( code=response.status_code, msg=msg, query=pformat(json_data) ) crn_error = "Service CRN has an invalid format" crn_invalid_plan_error = "upgrade this instance" if crn_error in error_message: error_message = "SQL submission failed ({code}): {msg}".format( code=response.status_code, msg=msg ) raise SqlQueryCrnInvalidFormatException(error_message) elif crn_invalid_plan_error in error_message: error_message = "SQL submission failed ({code}): {msg}".format( code=response.status_code, msg=msg ) raise SqlQueryInvalidPlanException(error_message) else: raise SyntaxError(error_message)
[docs] def submit(self, pagesize=None): """ run the internal SQL statement that you created using the APIs provided by SQLBuilder """ self.format_() return self.submit_sql(self._sql_stmt, pagesize=pagesize)
[docs] def submit_sql(self, sql_stmt, pagesize=None, stored_as=None): """ Asynchronous call - submit and quickly return the job_id. Parameters ---------- sql_stmt: str SQL Query string pagesize: int, optional an integer indicating the number of rows for each partition/page [using PARTITIONED EVERY <pagesize> ROWS syntax] stored_as: string The type being used, only if 'INTO ... STORED AS ...' is not provided Returns ------- str job_id Raises ------ RateLimitedException when the SQLQUery instance is serving the max-limit of requests SyntaxError for both KeyError or HTTPError Examples -------- .. code-block:: console curl -XPOST \ --url "" \ -H "Accept: application/json" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_BEARER_TOKEN" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -d '{"statement":"SELECT firstname FROM cos://us-geo/sql/employees.parquet STORED AS PARQUET WHERE EMPLOYEEID=5 INTO cos://us-geo/target-bucket/q1-results" }' NOTE: 1. All the headers (-H) can be put into a dictionary and passed to the *headers* argument of API. 2. All the data (-d option) is put into a dictionary and passed to the *json* argument of API. * 'statement': value is full SQL statement in string * 'resultset_target' (optional): only need when there is no 'INTO statement' in the query string, and the value must be the COS URL output .. code-block:: python sqlData = {'statement': sql_stmt} request_headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'} request_headers.update({'Accept':'application/json'}) request_headers.update({'User-Agent': self.user_agent}) request_headers.update({'authorization': 'Bearer {}'.format(ro_credentials.token)}) response = "{}".format(self.instance_crn), headers=request_headers, json=sqlData) \"\"\" { "errors": [ { "code": "bad_request", "message": "Target url specified in parameter resultset_target and as part of into clause in statement" } ] } { "job_id": "e2adca0a-9247-4cfa-ac58-db4b2bc33a01", "status": "queued" } { "status_code": 429, "errors": [ { "code": "too_many_requests", "message": "This instance is currently running its maximum number of query jobs. Try again later, after at least one of the currently running jobs has completed." } ] } \"\"\" # error code information: """ self.logon() sql_text = sql_stmt sqlData = {"statement": sql_text} def INTO_is_present(sql_text): """ check if INTO keyword is present in the SQL query""" tmp = sql_text.replace("\n", " ") return (" INTO " in tmp.upper()) or ("\nINTO " in tmp.upper()) # If a valid pagesize is specified we need to append the proper PARTITIONED EVERY <num> ROWS clause if pagesize or pagesize == 0: if type(pagesize) == int and pagesize > 0: if self.target_cos_url and not INTO_is_present(sql_text): if stored_as is not None: assert self.is_a_supported_storage_type(stored_as) sqlData["statement"] += " INTO {} STORED AS {format}".format( self.target_cos_url, format=stored_as ) else: sqlData["statement"] += " INTO {}".format(self.target_cos_url) elif not INTO_is_present(sql_text): raise SyntaxError( 'Neither resultset_target parameter nor "INTO" clause specified.' ) elif " PARTITIONED " in sql_text.upper(): raise SyntaxError( "Must not use PARTITIONED clause when specifying pagesize parameter." ) sqlData["statement"] += " PARTITIONED EVERY {} ROWS".format(pagesize) else: raise ValueError( "pagesize parameter ({}) is not valid.".format(pagesize) ) elif self.target_cos_url and not INTO_is_present(sql_text): if stored_as is not None: assert self.is_a_supported_storage_type(stored_as) sqlData["statement"] += " INTO {} STORED AS {format}".format( self.target_cos_url, format=stored_as ) else: sqlData.update({"resultset_target": self.target_cos_url}) max_tries = self.max_tries intrumented_send = backoff.on_exception( backoff.expo, (RateLimitedException, InternalError502Exception), max_tries=max_tries, )(self._send_req) return intrumented_send(sqlData)
[docs] @check_saved_jobs_decorator def submit_and_track_sql( self, sql_stmt, pagesize=None, file_name=None, force_rerun=False, stored_as=None ): """ Each SQL Query instance is limited by the number of sql queries that it can handle at a time. This can be a problem when you launch many SQL Query jobs, as such limitation may prevent you to complete all of them in one session. The `max_tries` options when creating the SQL Query client object allows you to re-send the job, which is still limited to one session. The time for one session is often limited when when using SQL Query client via Watson Studio, i.e. you will lose the session after having no interaction with the notebook for a period of time. This API provides the capability to put the information of each launched jobs in a `file_name` stored either * as an asset in the Watson Studio's Project. * as a regular file in the local machine. The SQL Query client will check the content of such file name to see if the given `sql_stmt` has been launched, and if so, whether it is completed or not. If not completed, then it relaunches the job, and update the content in this file. Otherwise, it skips the `sql_stmt`. To check if a `sql_stmt` has been issued or not, the :func:`.format_sql` transforms the query string into a style that can be used for string comparison that is tolerance to white spaces, new lines, comments, lower-case or upper-case uses in the query string. This is done by the decorator :meth:`check_saved_jobs_decorator`. This is beneficial in the scenario when you launch many many jobs, and don't want to restart from the beginning. Parameters ---------- sql_stmt: str sql string pagesize: int, optional the page size file_name: str, optional The file name should be a JSON file, i.e. $file_name.json. You need to provide the file name if * (1) you use Watson studio notebook and you haven't provided it in :meth:`.connect_project_lib`, * (2) you use local notebook, and you want to use a local file to track it You don't need to provide the file name if you're using Watson studio, and the file name has been provided via :meth:`.connect_project_lib`. force_rerun: bool Rerun even if the given sql statement has been previously launched and completed. Be cautious when enabling this flag, as you may have duplicated number of data onto the same location. The reason for this flag is to provide the option to rerun a command - in that the previously created data has been deleted. Notes ----- To use this API in Watson Studio, the SQL Query client must already connected to the ProjectLib object via :meth:`.connect_project_lib` method. This APIs make use of :py:meth:`.COSClient.connect_project_lib`, :py:meth:`.COSClient.read_project_lib_data`. """ return self.submit_sql(sql_stmt, pagesize=pagesize, stored_as=stored_as)
[docs] def wait_for_job(self, jobId, sleep_time=2): """ It's possible that the job's failed because of Spark's internal error which does not have any status. So "unknown" is added for such cases. Parameters ----------- jobId: str The job-id sleep_time: int, optional The time interval to sleep before making a new check if the job is done Returns ------- 'failed', 'completed', or 'unknown' """ def wait_for_job(jobId): while True: self.logon() response = requests.get( "https://{}/v2/sql_jobs/{}?instance_crn={}".format( self.api_hostname, jobId, self.instance_crn ), headers=self.request_headers, ) if response.status_code == 200 or response.status_code == 201: status_response = response.json() jobStatus = status_response["status"] if jobStatus == "completed": break if jobStatus == "failed": print("Job {} has failed".format(jobId)) break else: print( "Job status check failed with http code {}".format( response.status_code ) ) break time.sleep(sleep_time) return jobStatus job_id = jobId try: x = wait_for_job(job_id) except UnboundLocalError as _: x = "unknown" return x
def __iter__(self): return 0
[docs] def get_result(self, jobId, pagenumber=None): """ Return the queried data from the given job-id Parameters ---------- jobId: int The value, if not stored, can be retrieved from :meth:`.get_jobs` pagenumber: int, optional If the data, from the given `job_id` is saved in pages/partitions, then this should be a value in the range from 1 to len(self.list_results(job_id)) Returns ------- dataframe The dataframe holding the queried data from a completed job Examples -------- .. code-block:: console curl -XGET \\ --url "<YOUR_SQL_QUERY_CRN>" \\ -H "Accept: application/json" \\ -H "Authorization: Bearer <YOUR_BEARER_TOKEN>" \\ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \"\"\" { "jobs": [ { "job_id": "7ebed7f7-00dc-44a2-acfa-5bdb53889648", "status": "completed", "submit_time": "2018-08-14T08:45:54.012Z", "user_id": "" }, { "job_id": "ffde4c5a-1cc2-448b-b377-43573818e5d8", "status": "completed", "submit_time": "2018-08-14T08:47:33.350Z", "user_id": "" } ] } \"\"\" .. code-block:: python response = requests.get( "{}?instance_crn={}".format(jobId, self.instance_crn), headers=self.request_headers, ) if response.status_code == 200 or response.status_code == 201: status_response = response.json() """ self.logon() job_details = self.get_job(jobId) job_status = job_details.get("status") if job_status == "running": raise ValueError( "SQL job with jobId {} still running. Come back later.".format(jobId) ) elif job_status != "completed": raise ValueError( "SQL job with jobId {} did not finish successfully. No result available.".format( jobId ) ) if "resultset_location" not in job_details: return None url_parsed = self.analyze_cos_url(job_details["resultset_location"]) result_location = "https://{}/{}?prefix={}".format( url_parsed.endpoint, url_parsed.bucket, url_parsed.prefix ) result_format = job_details["resultset_format"] if result_format not in ["csv", "parquet", "json"]: raise ValueError( "Result object format {} currently not supported by get_result().".format( result_format ) ) response = requests.get(result_location, headers=self.request_headers,) if response.status_code == 200 or response.status_code == 201: ns = {"s3": ""} responseBodyXMLroot = ET.fromstring(response.text) bucket_objects = [] # Find result objects with data for contents in responseBodyXMLroot.findall("s3:Contents", ns): key = contents.find("s3:Key", ns) if int(contents.find("s3:Size", ns).text) > 0: bucket_objects.append(key.text) # print("Job result for {} stored at: {}".format(jobId, result_object)) else: raise ValueError( "Result object listing for job {} at {} failed with http code {}".format( jobId, result_location, response.status_code ) ) cos_client = self._get_cos_client(url_parsed.endpoint) # When pagenumber is specified we only retrieve that page. Otherwise we concatenate all pages to one DF: if pagenumber or pagenumber == 0: if " PARTITIONED EVERY " not in job_details["statement"].upper(): raise ValueError( "pagenumber ({}) specified, but the job was not submitted with pagination option.".format( pagenumber ) ) if type(pagenumber) == int and 0 < pagenumber <= len(bucket_objects): if result_format == "csv": body = cos_client.get_object( Bucket=url_parsed.bucket, Key=bucket_objects[pagenumber - 1] )["Body"] if not hasattr(body, "__iter__"): body.__iter__ = types.MethodType(self.__iter__, body) result_df = pd.read_csv(body) elif result_format == "parquet": tmpfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() tempfilename = tmpfile.close() cos_client.download_file( Bucket=url_parsed.bucket, Key=bucket_objects[pagenumber - 1], Filename=tempfilename, ) result_df = pd.read_parquet(tempfilename) elif result_format == "json": body = cos_client.get_object( Bucket=url_parsed.bucket, Key=bucket_objects[pagenumber - 1] )["Body"] body ="utf-8") result_df = pd.read_json(body, lines=True) else: raise ValueError("Invalid pagenumner ({}) specified".format(pagenumber)) else: # Loop over result objects and read and concatenate them into result data frame for bucket_object in bucket_objects: if result_format == "csv": body = cos_client.get_object( Bucket=url_parsed.bucket, Key=bucket_object )["Body"] # add missing __iter__ method, so pandas accepts body as file-like object if not hasattr(body, "__iter__"): body.__iter__ = types.MethodType(self.__iter__, body) partition_df = pd.read_csv(body, on_bad_lines='skip') elif result_format == "parquet": tmpfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() tempfilename = tmpfile.close() cos_client.download_file( Bucket=url_parsed.bucket, Key=bucket_object, Filename=tempfilename, ) partition_df = pd.read_parquet(tempfilename) elif result_format == "json": body = cos_client.get_object( Bucket=url_parsed.bucket, Key=bucket_object )["Body"] body ="utf-8") partition_df = pd.read_json(body, lines=True) # Add columns from hive style partition naming schema hive_partition_candidates = bucket_object.replace( url_parsed.prefix + "/", "" ).split("/") for hive_partition_candidate in hive_partition_candidates: if ( hive_partition_candidate.count("=") == 1 ): # Hive style folder names contain exactly one '=' column = hive_partition_candidate.split("=") column_name = column[0] column_value = column[1] if ( column_value == "__HIVE_DEFAULT_PARTITION__" ): # Null value partition column_value = np.nan if len(column_name) > 0 and len(column_value) > 0: partition_df[column_name] = column_value if "result_df" not in locals(): result_df = partition_df else: result_df = result_df.append(partition_df, sort=False) if "result_df" not in locals(): return None return result_df
[docs] def list_results(self, jobId, wait=False): """ NOTE: A single SQL Query can store the queried data in the COS output in multiple objects/partitions When one of those below is used .. code-block:: console [ PARTITIONED BY, PARTITIONED EVERY x ROWS [implicitly used with pagesize=X option] ] Parameters ------------ job_id: str The Job ID wait: bool, default:False If True, wait for the requested `job_id` to complete to get the information Returns ------- None (or nothing) if the function fails DataFrame (4 fields: ObjectURL, Size, Bucket, Object) - each row correspond to the information of one partition Raises ---------- ValueError Notes ------- To know the number of partitions being used, use 'len(self.list_results(job_id))' """ def list_results(jobId): self.logon() job_details = self.get_job(jobId) if job_details["status"] == "running": raise ValueError( "SQL job with jobId {} still running. Come back later." ) elif job_details["status"] != "completed": raise ValueError( "SQL job with jobId {} did not finish successfully. No result available." ) if "resultset_location" not in job_details: return None result_location = job_details["resultset_location"] url_parsed = self.analyze_cos_url(result_location) result_bucket = url_parsed.bucket result_endpoint = url_parsed.endpoint result_objects_df = self.list_cos_objects(job_details["resultset_location"]) result_objects_df["Bucket"] = result_bucket result_objects_df["ObjectURL"] = result_objects_df.apply( lambda x: "cos://%s/%s/%s" % (result_endpoint, result_bucket, x["Object"]), axis=1, ) return result_objects_df job_id = jobId if wait is True: job_running = True while job_running: try: x = list_results(job_id) job_running = False except ValueError as e: if "running" in str(e): pass else: raise e time.sleep(2) else: x = list_results(job_id) return x
[docs] def rename_exact_result(self, jobId, wait=False): """ A SQL Query can store data into partitioned/paginated multiple objects, or single object. Even with single object, indeed, multiple objects are created, two of them has size 0. (<URL>/_SUCCESS, and <URL>/) beside the ones that hold data (<URL>/<data1>, <URL>/<data2>) This API deletes the two 0-size objects, and keep only the ones that hold data. Parameters ---------- job_id : str A string representation of job_id wait: bool, optional The given `job_id` may not be completed yet, so you have the option to wait for it to completed first. Default is False Returns -------- None Raises ------ ValueError If the job_id is the job in that the result is "PARTITIONED BY" or "pagesize=" or "PARITIONED EVERY x ROWS" is used or the rename_exact_result() has been applied to this job_id. """ self.logon() job_details = self.get_job(jobId) job_status = job_details.get("status") if wait is True: job_status = self.wait_for_job(jobId) if job_status == "running": raise ValueError( "SQL job with jobId {} still running. Come back later.".format(jobId) ) elif job_status != "completed": raise ValueError( "SQL job with jobId {} did not finish successfully. No result available.".format( jobId ) ) if ( "resultset_location" not in job_details or job_details["resultset_location"] is None ): return None url_parsed = self.analyze_cos_url(job_details["resultset_location"]) cos_client = self._get_cos_client(url_parsed.endpoint) result_objects = self.list_results(jobId) if len(result_objects) > 3: raise ValueError( "Renaming partitioned results of jobId {} to single exact result object name not supported.".format( jobId ) ) if ( len(result_objects) == 3 and (int(result_objects.Size[0]) != 0 or int(result_objects.Size[1]) != 0) ) or len(result_objects) < 3: raise ValueError( "Results of job_id {} don't seem to be regular SQL query output.".format( jobId ) ) if len(result_objects) == 1: return # HANDLING [can be 2 rows or 3 rows] - only the last row can be non-zero in size max_row_index = len(result_objects) - 1 pre_row_zeros = True for row in range(0, max_row_index): if int(result_objects.Size[row]) > 0: pre_row_zeros = False break if pre_row_zeros is False: raise ValueError( "Results of job_id {} don't seem to be regular SQL query output.".format( jobId ) ) if len(result_objects) == 3: # basically copy the object[2] to object[0] # then delete object[2] and object[1] copy_source = result_objects.Bucket[2] + "/" + result_objects.Object[2] cos_client.copy_object( Bucket=result_objects.Bucket[0], CopySource=copy_source, Key=result_objects.Object[0], ) cos_client.delete_object( Bucket=result_objects.Bucket[2], Key=result_objects.Object[2] ) cos_client.delete_object( Bucket=result_objects.Bucket[1], Key=result_objects.Object[1] ) else: # len(result_objects) == 2 cos_client.delete_object( Bucket=result_objects.Bucket[0], Key=result_objects.Object[0] ) return
[docs] def rename_exact_result_joblist(self, job_list, wait=False): """ The bulk mode of `rename_exact_result` method. Parameters ---------- job_list: list A list of job_id wait: bool, optional The same meaning as the one used in :meth:`.rename_exact_result` """ for job_id in job_list: self.rename_exact_result(job_id, wait=wait)
[docs] def delete_result(self, jobId): """ Delete the COS objects created by a given job-id Returns ------- dataframe A dataframe, with 3 rows, and one field name "Deleted Object" Examples -------- Delete 3 entries in the output COS .. code-block:: console cos://<cos-name>/bucket_name/jobid=<JOB-ID-NUMBER>/ cos://<cos-name>/bucket_name/jobid=<JOB-ID-NUMBER>/_SUCCESS cos://<cos-name>/bucket_name/jobid=<JOB-ID-NUMBER>/[parquet|csv|json] Notes ----- * The last entry holds the real data, and the last word also indicates the data format * 'JOBPREFIX NONE' would avoid having 'jobid=JOB-ID-NAME' in the URL """ self.logon() job_details = self.get_job(jobId) if job_details["status"] == "running": raise ValueError("SQL job with jobId {} still running. Come back later.") elif job_details["status"] != "completed": raise ValueError( "SQL job with jobId {} did not finish successfully. No result available." ) if "resultset_location" not in job_details: return None result_location = job_details["resultset_location"] url_parsed = self.analyze_cos_url(result_location) bucket_name = url_parsed.bucket bucket_objects_df = self.list_cos_objects(result_location)[["Object"]] if bucket_objects_df.empty: print("There are no result objects for the jobid {}".format(jobId)) return bucket_objects_df = bucket_objects_df.rename(columns={"Object": "Key"}) bucket_objects = bucket_objects_df.to_dict("records") cos_client = self._get_cos_client(url_parsed.endpoint) response = cos_client.delete_objects( Bucket=bucket_name, Delete={"Objects": bucket_objects} ) deleted_list_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=["Deleted Object"]) for deleted_object in response["Deleted"]: deleted_list_df = deleted_list_df.append( [{"Deleted Object": deleted_object["Key"]}], ignore_index=True, sort=False, ) return deleted_list_df
[docs] def get_job(self, jobId): """ Return the details of the job-id Returns ------- dict a dict of job details (see keys below) Raises ---------- ValueError when jobId is not correct HTTPError when RestAPI request fails JSONDEcodeError when RestAPI returns a non-JSON compliant result Notes ----- .. code-block:: python 'job_id', 'status', : "running", "failed", "completed" 'statement': "SELECT * ..." [the content of SQL Query], 'plan_id' , 'submit_time', 'resultset_location', 'rows_returned', 'rows_read' , 'bytes_read' , 'resultset_format': 'csv', 'end_time': '2020-03-06T21:58:26.274Z', 'user_id': '' Examples -------- .. code-block:: python { "bytes_read": 43058, "end_time": "2020-03-08T03:20:39.131Z", "job_id": "ab3f7567-280b-40c9-87a9-256b846f89db", "plan_id": "ead0f7f5-0c96-40c0-9aae-63c4846d8188", "resultset_format": "parquet", "resultset_location": "cos://", "rows_read": 921, "rows_returned": 830, "statement": "SELECT OrderID, c.CustomerID CustomerID, CompanyName, ContactName, ContactTitle, Address, City, Region, PostalCode, Country, Phone, Fax EmployeeID, OrderDate, RequiredDate, ShippedDate, ShipVia, Freight, ShipName, ShipAddress, ShipCity, ShipRegion, ShipPostalCode, ShipCountry FROM cos://us-geo/sql/orders.parquet STORED AS PARQUET o, cos://us-geo/sql/customers.parquet STORED AS PARQUET c WHERE c.CustomerID = o.CustomerID INTO cos://us-south/tuan-sql-result/customer_orders STORED AS PARQUET PARTITIONED BY (ShipCountry, ShipCity)", "status": "completed", "submit_time": "2020-03-08T03:20:00.617Z", "user_id": "" } """ def get_job(jobId): self.logon() try: response = requests.get( "https://{}/v2/sql_jobs/{}?instance_crn={}".format( self.api_hostname, jobId, self.instance_crn ), headers=self.request_headers, ) except HTTPError as e: if e.response.status_code == 404: raise ValueError("SQL jobId {} unknown".format(jobId)) else: raise e return response.json() if len(jobId) == 0: msg = "Invalid job_id: {}".format(jobId) raise ValueError(msg) job_id = jobId if ( job_id in self.jobs_tracking and self.jobs_tracking[job_id].get("status") != "running" and self.jobs_tracking[job_id].get("status") != "queued" ): result = self.jobs_tracking[job_id] else: try: result = get_job(job_id) except JSONDecodeError as e: print("Error at querying job {}".format(job_id)) raise e self.jobs_tracking[job_id] = result return result
[docs] def get_jobs(self): """ Return the up-to-30 most recent jobs from the given Cloud API Returns ------- dataframe a pd.DataFrame with fields - total 30 rows, corresponding to the 30 most recent jobs Exceptions ---------- SqlQueryFailException: when a job list can't be queried Examples -------- .. code-block:: console job_id status: "running", "failed", "completed" user_id statement resultset_location submit_time end_time rows_read rows_returned bytes_read error error_message .. code-block:: console job_id status user_id statement resultset_location submit_time end_time ... <long-string> completed <email-here> <query-string> <cos-url-result-location> 2020-02-21T16:19:03.638Z 2020-02-21T16:19:13.691Z rows_read rows_returned bytes_read error error_message 1760 29 41499 None None Notes ----- * get_jobs() is used by `export_job_history`(cos_out_url) which is used to save such data """ self.logon() response = requests.get( "https://{}/v2/sql_jobs?instance_crn={}".format( self.api_hostname, self.instance_crn ), headers=self.request_headers, ) if response.status_code == 200 or response.status_code == 201: job_list = response.json() job_list_df = pd.DataFrame( columns=[ "job_id", "status", "user_id", "statement", "resultset_location", "submit_time", "end_time", "rows_read", "rows_returned", "bytes_read", "objects_skipped", "objects_qualified", "error", "error_message", ] ) for job in job_list["jobs"]: response = requests.get( "https://{}/v2/sql_jobs/{}?instance_crn={}".format( self.api_hostname, job["job_id"], self.instance_crn ), headers=self.request_headers, ) if response.status_code == 200 or response.status_code == 201: job_details = response.json() # None gets converted to integer type in pandas.to_parquet error = "" error_message = "" rows_read = None rows_returned = None bytes_read = None objects_skipped = None objects_qualified = None end_time = "" if "error" in job_details: error = job_details["error"] if "end_time" in job_details: end_time = job_details["end_time"] if "error_message" in job_details: error_message = job_details["error_message"] if "rows_read" in job_details: rows_read = job_details["rows_read"] if "rows_returned" in job_details: rows_returned = job_details["rows_returned"] if "bytes_read" in job_details: bytes_read = job_details["bytes_read"] if "objects_skipped" in job_details: objects_skipped = job_details["objects_skipped"] if "objects_qualified" in job_details: objects_qualified = job_details["objects_qualified"] resultset_loc = np.NaN if "resultset_location" in job_details: resultset_loc = job_details["resultset_location"] job_list_df = job_list_df.append( [ { "job_id": job["job_id"], "status": job_details["status"], "user_id": job_details["user_id"], "statement": job_details["statement"], "resultset_location": resultset_loc, "submit_time": job_details["submit_time"], "end_time": end_time, "rows_read": rows_read, "rows_returned": rows_returned, "bytes_read": bytes_read, "objects_skipped": objects_skipped, "objects_qualified": objects_qualified, "error": error, "error_message": error_message, } ], ignore_index=True, sort=False, ) else: print( "Job details retrieval for jobId {} failed with http code {}".format( job["job_id"], response.status_code ) ) break else: msg = "Job list retrieval failed with http code {}".format( response.status_code ) raise SqlQueryFailException(msg) return job_list_df
[docs] @validate_job_status def get_jobs_with_status(self, job_id_list, status): """ return the list of job_id, among those provided, that have the given status Parameters ---------- job_id_list: list List of job_id to check status : str "completed", "running", or "failed" Returns -------- list: List of job ids """ results = [] for job_id in job_id_list: response = self.get_job(job_id) if response["status"] == status: results.append(job_id) return results
[docs] @validate_job_status def get_jobs_count_with_status(self, status): """ return the number of jobs in the SQL Query server for the given `status` It has the limitation as described in :meth:`.get_jobs` """ jobs = self.get_jobs() num_jobs = len(jobs[jobs["status"] == status]) return num_jobs
[docs] def get_number_running_jobs(self): """ return the number of running jobs in the SQL Query server""" return self.get_jobs_count_with_status("running")
[docs] def execute_sql(self, sql_stmt, pagesize=None, get_result=False, stored_as=None): """ Extend the behavior of :meth:`.run_sql`. It is a blocking call that waits for the job to finish (unlike :meth:`.submit_sql`), but it has the following features: 1. returning of data (Pandas dataframe) is optional (controlled by `get_result` parameter): to help avoiding Python runtime memory overload. This is also useful when you run SQL statements such as DDLs that don't produce results at all. 2. returns a namedtuple, in that is the one returned by `run_sql`, while result.job_id is the one returned by `submit_sql` 3. raise an exception for a failed job Parameters -------------- sql_stmt: str the SQL statement to run pagesize: int, optional an integer indicating the number of rows for each partition/page [using PARTITIONED EVERY <pagesize> ROWS syntax] get_result: bool, optional (default=False) When set it will return only the job_id, but still wait for the job's completion. Later, you can get the data using :meth:`.get_result` (job_id, pagenumber) Returns ------- namedtuple [`data`, `job_id`] `get_result` = True, then behavior like :meth:`.run_sql` which materializes the returned data as type pd.DataFrame in memory. The default behavior is opposite, to avoid unintended overload of memory. Raises ------ KeyError when information about a failed job is missing (job_status, job_id, error, error_message) SqlQueryFailException when the sql query fails, e.g. time out on the server side """ Container = namedtuple("RunSql", ["data", "job_id"]) job_id = self.submit_sql(sql_stmt, pagesize=pagesize, stored_as=stored_as) data = None job_status = self.wait_for_job(job_id) logger.debug("Job " + job_id + " terminated with status: " + job_status) if job_status == "completed": if get_result is True: data = self.get_result(job_id) elif job_status == "unknown": job_status = self.wait_for_job(job_id) if job_status == "failed": details = self.get_job(job_id) try: error_message = "{status}: SQL job {job_id} failed while executing with error {error}. Detailed message: {msg}".format( status=job_status, job_id=job_id, error=details["error"], msg=details["error_message"], ) raise SqlQueryFailException(error_message) except KeyError as e: pprint.pprint(details) raise e mycontainer = Container(data, job_id) return mycontainer
[docs] def run_sql(self, sql_text, pagesize=None): """ Submits a SQL job, waits for the job to finish (unlike :meth:`.submit_sql`) and return the result as Pandas DataFrame. Parameters -------------- sql_text: str the SQL statement to run pagesize: int, optional an integer indicating the number of rows for each partition/page [using PARTITIONED EVERY <pagesize> ROWS syntax] Returns ------- pd.DataFrame with the query results. Raises ------ CosUrlNotFoundException the COS URL is not valid CosUrlInaccessibleException the COS URL is inaccessible - no access granted to the given API key SqlQueryInvalidFormatException the format provided to COS URL is incorrect KeyError the returned error message does not have job_id, error, or error_message Exception unexpected exception """ self.logon() job_id = self.submit_sql(sql_text, pagesize) job_status = self.wait_for_job(job_id) if job_status == "failed": details = self.get_job(job_id) try: error_message = "SQL job {job_id} failed while executing \n{sql_text}\nwith error {error}. Detailed message: {msg}".format( job_id=job_id, sql_text=sql_text, error=details["error"], msg=details["error_message"], ) cos_in_url_error_msg = "Specify a valid Cloud Object Storage location" cos_out_url_error_msg = ( "Specify a valid Cloud Object Storage bucket location" ) cos_url_not_accessible_error_msg = "Accessing the specified Cloud Object Storage location is forbidden." cos_invalid_format_error_msg = "The input data doesn't have a correct" if cos_in_url_error_msg in error_message: raise CosUrlNotFoundException(error_message) elif cos_out_url_error_msg in error_message: raise CosUrlNotFoundException(error_message) elif cos_url_not_accessible_error_msg in error_message: raise CosUrlInaccessibleException(error_message) elif cos_invalid_format_error_msg in error_message: raise SqlQueryInvalidFormatException(error_message) else: raise Exception(error_message) except KeyError as e: pprint.pprint(details) raise e return self.get_result(job_id)
[docs] def run(self, pagesize=None, get_result=False): """ run the internal SQL statement provided by SQLBuilder using :meth:`.execute_sql` """ self.format_() return self.execute_sql( self._sql_stmt, pagesize=pagesize, get_result=get_result )
[docs] def process_failed_jobs_until_all_completed(self, job_id_list): """ re-send those that are failed - due to the time-out mechanism of SQL Query server Here, if job_time < 40 minutes, then we re-send. """ complete_all = False while complete_all is False: complete_all = True for index, job_id in enumerate(job_id_list): job_result = self.get_job(job_id) if job_result["status"] == "failed": delta = dateutil.parser.parse( job_result["end_time"] ) - dateutil.parser.parse(job_result["submit_time"]) job_time = delta.total_seconds() if job_time < 2400: # 40 minutes new_job_id = self.submit_sql(job_result["statement"]) job_id_list[index] = new_job_id complete_all = False return job_id_list
[docs] def export_job_history( self, cos_url=None, export_file_prefix="job_export_", export_file_suffix=".parquet", ): """ Export the most recent jobs to COS URL Parameters ---------- cos_url : str A COS URL with prefix, i.e. cos://<cos-name>/<bucket>/<prefix>, where the data will be stored Raises ------ ValueError if COS URL is invalid """ if cos_url: # Default export location is target COS URL set at __init__ # But we'll overwrite that with the provided export URL if not self.is_valid_cos_url(cos_url): msg = "Not a valid COS URL" raise ValueError(msg) self.export_cos_url = cos_url elif not self.export_cos_url: raise ValueError("No configured export COS URL.") if not self.export_cos_url.endswith("/"): self.export_cos_url += "/" url_parsed = self.analyze_cos_url(self.export_cos_url) job_history_df = ( self.get_jobs() ) # Retrieve current job history (most recent 30 jobs) if sys.version_info < (3, 0): job_history_df["error"] = job_history_df["error"].astype(unicode) job_history_df["error_message"] = job_history_df["error_message"].astype( unicode ) terminated_job_history_df = job_history_df[ job_history_df["status"].isin(["completed", "failed"]) ] # Only export terminated jobs newest_job_end_time = terminated_job_history_df.loc[ pd.to_datetime(terminated_job_history_df["end_time"]).idxmax() ].end_time # List all existing objects in export location and identify latest exported job timestamp: cos_client = self._get_cos_client(url_parsed.endpoint) paginator = cos_client.get_paginator("list_objects") page_iterator = paginator.paginate( Bucket=url_parsed.bucket, Prefix=url_parsed.prefix ) newest_exported_job_end_time = "" expected_object_prefix = url_parsed.prefix + export_file_prefix for page in page_iterator: if "Contents" in page: for key in page["Contents"]: object_name = key["Key"] if not (object_name.startswith(expected_object_prefix)): continue prefix_end_index = len(expected_object_prefix) suffix_index = object_name.find(export_file_suffix) if not (prefix_end_index < suffix_index): continue job_end_time = object_name[prefix_end_index:suffix_index] if job_end_time > newest_exported_job_end_time: newest_exported_job_end_time = job_end_time # Export all new jobs if there are some: if newest_exported_job_end_time < newest_job_end_time: import pyarrow from packaging import version tmpfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() tempfilename = new_jobs_df = terminated_job_history_df[ terminated_job_history_df["end_time"] > newest_exported_job_end_time ] if version.parse(pd.__version__) >= version.parse("1.0.0"): new_jobs_df.to_parquet( engine="pyarrow", path=tempfilename, compression="snappy", index=False, ) else: new_jobs_df.to_parquet( engine="pyarrow", fname=tempfilename, compression="snappy", index=False, ) export_object = ( url_parsed.prefix + export_file_prefix + newest_job_end_time + export_file_suffix ) cos_client.upload_file( Bucket=url_parsed.bucket, Filename=tempfilename, Key=export_object ) print("Exported {} new jobs".format(new_jobs_df["job_id"].count())) tmpfile.close() else: print("No new jobs to export")
[docs] def get_schema_data(self, cos_url, typ="json", dry_run=False): """ Return the schema of COS URL Parameters ---------- cos_url : str The COS URL where data is stored typ : str, optional The format type of the data, default is 'json' Use from ['json', 'csv', 'parquet'] with case-insensitive dry_run: bool, optional This option, once selected as True, returns the internally generated SQL statement, and no job is queried. result_format: string 'dataframe' 'list' Returns ------- DataFrame 3 columns: name (object), nullable (bool), type (object) Raises ------- ValueError in either scenarios: (1) target COS URL is not set, (2) invalid type, (3) invalid COS URL """ if not self.is_a_supported_storage_type(typ): logger.error("use wrong format") msg = """ "Use wrong format of data: 'typ' option") Acceptable values: {} """.format( str(self._supported_format_types) ) raise ValueError(msg) if self.target_cos_url is None: msg = "Need to pass target COS URL when creating SQL Client object" raise ValueError(msg) if not self.is_valid_cos_url(cos_url): msg = "Not a valid COS URL" raise ValueError(msg) sql_stmt = """ SELECT * FROM DESCRIBE({cos_in} STORED AS {typ}) INTO {cos_out} STORED AS JSON """.format( cos_in=cos_url, typ=typ.upper(), cos_out=self.target_cos_url ) if dry_run: print(sql_stmt) return None else: df = self.run_sql(sql_stmt) if ([0] == "_corrupt_record") or ( "�]�]L�" in[0] and "PAR1" in[0] ): msg = ( "ERROR: Revise 'typ' value, underlying data format maybe different" ) raise ValueError(msg) return df
[docs] def analyze(self, job_id, print_msg=True): """Provides some insights about the data layout from the current SQL statement Parameters ------------- job_id : str The job ID print_msg: bool, optional Default is True: print out the hints to the console .. todo:: 1. new sql only when max_obj_size > 300MB 2. check if STORED AS is used, if not suggested adding to sql with PARQUET or JSON 3. add PARITIONED ... not at the end, but right after STORED AS (which can be missing in original SQL) """ def INTO_is_present(sql_text): """ check if INTO keyword is present in the SQL query""" return (" INTO " in sql_text.upper()) or ("\nINTO " in sql_text.upper()) BestPracticeContainer = namedtuple("SqlBestPractice", ["size", "max_objs"]) best_practice = BestPracticeContainer("128 MB", 50) result = self.get_job(job_id) # make use of 'resultset_location' and 'resultset_format' if not INTO_is_present(result["statement"]): cos_out = result["resultset_location"] if "jobid=" in result["resultset_location"]: cos_out = cos_out[: cos_out.rfind("jobid=")] result["statement"] += ( " INTO " + cos_out + " STORED AS " + result["resultset_format"] ) if result["status"] != "completed": msg = "Job {job_id} is {status} - no more insights".format( job_id=job_id, status=result["status"] ) return msg cos_url = result["resultset_location"] if not cos_url: msg = "Job {job_id} does not return anything - no more insights".format( job_id=job_id ) return msg cos_result = self.get_cos_summary(cos_url) def get_total_objects(): # total_objects = cos_result['total_objects'] #not exact r = self.list_results(job_id) seriesObj = r.apply(lambda x: True if int(x["Size"]) > 0 else False, axis=1) return seriesObj.to_list().count(True) total_objects = get_total_objects() def get_size_in_MB(size_info): num, unit = size_info.split(" ") mapping = {"TB": 1048576, "GB": 1024, "MB": 1} if unit in mapping: size_MB = float(num) * mapping[unit] else: size_MB = 1.0 return size_MB largest_size_MB = get_size_in_MB(cos_result["largest_object_size"]) if largest_size_MB < float(best_practice.size.split(" ")[0]) * 2: msg = "Job {job_id} looks fine - no more insights".format(job_id=job_id) return msg total_volume_MB = get_size_in_MB(cos_result["total_volume"]) SqlContainer = namedtuple( "SqlStatus", ["job_id", "total_data_objects", "total_volume", "max_object_size"], ) query = SqlContainer(job_id, total_objects, total_volume_MB, largest_size_MB) mappings = { "job_id": job_id, "total_objects": total_objects, "total_volume_MB": total_volume_MB, } msg_01 = "Job {job_id} has {total_objects} object{s}, with {total_volume_MB} MB in total.".format( **mappings, s="s" if mappings["total_objects"] > 1 else "" ) if mappings["total_objects"] > 1: msg_01 = msg_01 + " Current object size is ~ {size} MB".format( size=mappings["total_volume_MB"] / mappings["total_objects"] ) mappings = {"size": best_practice.size} msg_02 = "Best practices: object sizes ~ {size}".format(**mappings) mappings = { "num_objs": min( best_practice.max_objs, int(query.total_volume / float(best_practice.size.split(" ")[0])), ) } msg_03 = "Current SQL:\n {sql}\n".format(sql=result["statement"]) def revise_storage(sql_stmt, storage="parquet"): url_storage ="INTO (cos)://[^\s]* STORED AS", sql_stmt) if url_storage: loc = url_storage.span(0)[1] pre = sql_stmt[: loc + 1] post = sql_stmt[loc + 1 :] detected_storage ="^[^\s]*", post).group(0) if storage.upper() != detected_storage: post = post.replace(detected_storage, storage.upper(), 1) sql_stmt = pre + post else: url ="INTO (cos)://[^\s]*", sql_stmt) if url: loc = url.span(0)[1] sql_stmt = ( sql_stmt[:loc] + " STORED AS " + storage.upper() + sql_stmt[loc + 1 :] ) else: # no explicit INTO msg = "Error: needs INTO <cos-url> clause" raise Exception(msg) return sql_stmt def msg_partition_into(): msg_sub = [None] * 2 msg_sub[ 0 ] = "Consider using: PARTITIONED INTO {num_objs} OBJECTS/BUCKETS".format( **mappings ) new_sql = result["statement"] if "PARTITION" not in new_sql: new_sql = format_sql(revise_storage(new_sql, "parquet")) import re url = r"INTO (cos)://[^\s]*[\s]+STORED[\s]+AS[\s]+PARQUET", new_sql ) loc = url.span(0)[1] new_sql = ( new_sql[:loc] + " PARTITIONED INTO {num_objs} OBJECTS".format(**mappings) + new_sql[loc + 1 :] ) result["rows_returned"] msg_sub[1] = "Suggested SQL:\n {sql}\n".format(sql=new_sql) return msg_sub def msg_partition_every(): msg_05 = [None] * 2 num_rows = int( float(result["rows_returned"]) / (query.total_volume / float(best_practice.size.split(" ")[0])) ) msg_05[0] = "Consider using: PARTITIONED EVERY {num_rows} ROWS".format( **mappings, num_rows=num_rows ) new_sql = result["statement"] if "PARITION" not in new_sql: # new_sql = new_sql + " PARTITIONED EVERY {num_rows} ROWS".format( # **mappings, num_rows=num_rows) new_sql = format_sql(revise_storage(new_sql, "parquet")) url = r"INTO (cos)://[^\s]*[\s]+STORED[\s]+AS[\s]+PARQUET", new_sql ) loc = url.span(0)[1] new_sql = ( new_sql[:loc] + " PARTITIONED EVERY {num_rows} ROWS".format( **mappings, num_rows=num_rows ) + new_sql[loc + 1 :] ) result["rows_returned"] msg_05[1] = "Suggested SQL:\n {sql}\n".format(sql=new_sql) return msg_05 msg_04 = msg_partition_into() msg_05 = msg_partition_every() my_list = [msg_01, msg_02, msg_03] my_list.extend(msg_04) my_list.extend(msg_05) msg = os.linesep.join(my_list) if print_msg: print(msg) return msg