How to …


convert back to DataFrame

# to be added

collect statistics

Common statistics is returned using a method similar to DataFrame.describe()

# to be added


load data into memory

A key property of a time-series data is its lazyness property, i.e. a chain of operation can be applied to it, and the real execution only occurs at action operation.

An observation collection is an in-memory form of a Time-Series, i.e. no lazy is used on observation collection. So, the belows are action operations

observations = ts.collect()

# load only a range
observations = ts.get_values()

element-wise transform

We can use which accepts a lambda function with the argument representing the value in the given observation to transform.

# increase one to each value
ts_2 = x: x+1)

filter out values from a time-series

We can use TimeSeries.filter() which accepts a bool lambda function with the argument representing the value in the given observation - and returns only observation whose value the lambda function return True.

# get even values
ts_2 = ts.filter(lambda x: x %2 == 0)

transform a time-series

  • The TimeSeries.lag() transform the time-series by keeping only data points at a given lag wrt to the first timetick. This gives you a new time-series with fewer data points

ts_2 = ts.lag(1)
  • The TimeSeries.shift() transform the time-series by keeping the time, but move the data values, and those doesn’t have the associated new data value are filled with N/A by default.

ts_2 = ts.shift(1)
import tspy.functions as tsfunc
ts_2 = ts.transform(tsfunc.transformers.difference())

ts_2 = ts.transform(tsfunc.transformers.remove_consecutive_duplicate_values())

ts_2 = ts.transform(tsfunc.transformers.combine_duplicate_time_ticks(lambda x: sum(x)))

The transforms, once applied to SegmentTimeSeries, would returns a new time-series, in that each new observation is the result of reducing a segment.

reduce a time-series

A reducer is a special form of transforms that returns a single-value or a few values, i.e. it is no longer a time-series. A specific reducer is a function provided in the functions.reducers module. We pass that function to the TimeSeries.reduce() API.

import tspy.functions as tsfunc
avg = ts.reduce(tsfunc.reducers.average())



deal with missing values (N/A) in a time-series

We use TimeSeries.fillna()

import tspy.functions as tsfunc
new_ts = ts.fillna(tsfunc.interpolators.fill(0.0))

resample a time-series

The TimeSeries.resample() can be combined with a proper interpolation function (functions)

import tspy.functions as tsfunc
periodicity = 2
interp = tsfunc.interpolators.nearest(0.0)

interp_ts = ts.resample(periodicity, interp)

Another way is to segment the time-series, and then apply reducer on each segment.

import tspy.functions as tsfunc

How to (two TS) …

align two time-series

The result will be two new STS, each with aligned timestamps with each other.

  • inner align

  • full align

  • left align

  • right align

  • left outer align

  • right outer align

merge (via join) two time-series

  • inner join

  • full join

  • left join

  • right join

  • left outer join

  • right outer join

This will fill missing values with null. The result of the join will be an list where the first value is from the left series and the second value is from the right series.

ts_full = ts_left.full_join(ts_right)

# Perform full join with interpolation
interp = tsfunc.interpolators.linear()

ts_full = ts_left.full_join(ts_right, left_interp_func=interp, right_interp_func=interp)

correlate two time-series

  • auto-correlation: measure linear relationship between lagged values of a STS.

  • correlation: Pearson correlation of two STSs.

  • dynamic time warping (dtw): measure similarity between two STSs which may vary in speed

  • Granger causality (granger): test the causality between two STSs.

import tspy.functions as tsfunc

corr = ts.reduce(ts2, tsfunc.reducers.correlation())

dtw_distance = ts.reduce(ts2,
                     tsfunc.reducers.dtw(lambda obs1, obs2: abs(bs1.value - obs2.value)))

 ts.reduce(ts2, tsfunc.reducers.granger(1))

How to forecasting …

TimeSeries library currently supports the following forecasting models:

  • BATS

  • Holt-Winters


  • ARMA

  • AUTO

  • Season Selector

  • Anomaly Detector

Three steps:

  1. create a model, which is independent from the time-series data

  2. update_model: train the model on the given time-series data

  3. forecast, forecast_at: use the trained model to predict

import tspy
training_sample_size = 10
bats_model = tspy.forecasters.bats(training_sample_size)

for i in range(100):
    timestamp = i
    value = random.randint(1,10) * 1.0
    model.update_model(timestamp, value)

if model.is_initialized():

num_predictions = 5
model =
confidence = .99

predictions = ts.forecast(num_predictions, model, confidence=confidence)

# the list of predicted values can be retrieved in TimeSeries or DataFrame